Piso Research Center

The information contained herein is to assist those who are conducting research into the true authorship of the New Testament and the creation of Christianity. Years have been spent conducting this research in order to facilitate your ability to piece together the royal Roman Piso family and their part in history as the inventors of a universal religion.

Monday, June 12, 2006


CONCLUDING NOTES:==================

(1) Not all numbers were 'Piso Numbers" (i.e. 'code').

(2) Of those that were, not all are "primary" Piso numbers. Some are "combined"Piso numbers. This means that some Piso numbers exist owing to the fact thatthe primary Piso numbers contained within them happen to add up to thosenumbers, and that they are; (a) not "arbitrary". And this also means that (b),there are actually much fewer "chosen" Piso numbers than there appear to beon the surface (as only the 'primary Piso numbers' can be counted as truly "Pisoinvented" or 'original' numbers).

A "Combined Number" is one that is the sum of two or more other numbers inorder to form that number and its meaning (such as '66', which is 30 + 36).As chances of probability go, this virtually eliminates the possibility of 'chance'from the equation. The reason being that as the more numbers that there are insuch a system that may be arbitrarily used, the more likely that they were justmade up and therefore not a truly valid system. (because any number can haveany meaning if it is not derived from a source that gives, indicates, shows, ordemonstrates in some way a meaning to the number). [Note that in a 'closedsystem' (i.e., one within a 'closed environment'), meanings can be given tonumbers and letters simply by inference. (such as 'H' for 'Horus')]

However, conversely, when it can be demonstrated that a goodly amount of thenumbers used in such a system have their basis in "prime" numbers within thatsystem, that is evidence that neither the base (or "prime numbers") or the"combined numbers" are arbitrarily invented. In short, this demonstrates proofthat there was deliberate thought behind the development of such as a systemand that it is indeed valid, real and true.

(3) Besides this proof, they also made use of what we have termed "checkingnumbers" or "proof" numbers that further demonstrate that those numbers werenot 'chance' numbers, but rather that they were deliberately arrived at and usedfor specific purposes. (See '666').

(4) As well as the numbers in the system that derive from the number value ofletters within the three languages listed (Greek, Latin, Hebrew), there was alsoanother system that incorporated the use of numbers themselves apart from anyletter values. This system has been termed the "Cumulative Number System".This system will be further defined in our books and in the upcoming works ofAbelard Reuchlin.

(5) The "Small Prime Number System" is simply the use of single digit numbersas representatives of that number times 10 (i.e., '6' would be seen as '60', etc.).
We have no doubt that as more persons find out about the work that we havedone in this area, that there will be others who will be looking into this all inmuch further detail. It is our opinion after doing all of this work that it is nomystery to us as to why persons have not been able to figure out the truemeaning of '666' and of the number systems in general. Most of the personswho have looked into this have not had the complete systems from which towork. A case in point being that in order to find out the true meanings of themajority of those numbers used one would have to have the most completelyreconstructed listing of number values available to them in all three of thosealpha/numeric language systems and not just use one or two, or parts of oneor two. It should also be noted that the Greek system also involved theinclusion or addition of 3 Phoenician letters. One of those being 'bau', whichwas used as the number '6' in '666'.

The three Phoenician letters used in the Greek system were; "bau" (as 'S' or '6',multiples of 6, etc.), and "koppa" (as 'Q' or '9', multiples of 9, etc.), as well as"sampi" (as '9' and multiples of 9, etc.). The Reference for this may be foundin the "Encyclopedia Americana," 1962, as well as in other books that dealwith the specifics of ancient numbers, number history and number theory.


This issue of this subject (the Piso Number Systems), brings up another one.That is the issue of "Chapter & Verse". Specifically, the so-called "LaterAddition" of Chapter & Verse to the Bible as a whole.

First of all, we wish to address this in order to more fully explain to personsthe very nature of all of this. Again, what persons tend to have the mostdifficult time grasping and understanding is that which we term the 'closedenvironment' (you may think of this as a 'closed system' or as a 'controlledenvironment'). We explain this in our books more fully. Secondly, most ofthe numbers and meanings in the systems are not dependent upon the numberingof Chapter and Verses. However, we would still like to address this issue.

Persons will point to Stephan Langton as the person who 'invented' the Chapterdivisions of the bible in 1205. Stephan Langton, is also the person whom weknow of as the person who had later become the Archbishop of Canterbury. And,in addition to the 'contribution' of Mr. Langton, we see in our recorded 'history'that Robert Stephanus is credited with the numbering of the Verses in the bibleand of using the Chapter divisions that were 'given' by Stephan Langton.

At the time that this was done by Langton and Stephanus, the world was stillruled by kings and free speech still did not exist. In other words, the 'closedenvironment' that we have been talking about was still in effect. The 'closedenvironment' is what allowed all of this to happen. It is what facilitated it.

The answer to this is obvious to us, because of the 'closed environment' andwhat we know about the fact of the number systems being in use when the NTwas being written (site our reference to Plutarch and others), as well as the factthat 'key' documents existed at the time when this all began, we can safelyconclude that the numbers of Chapter and Verse were indeed used by thewriters in the original documents. However, because of the fact that the commonpersons whom received this information in the first churches were most likelyall or nearly all illiterate and not a part of the Inner-Circle of knowledge aboutthis, there was NO NEED to give Chapter & Verse numbers to the public.

Therefore, these numbers did exist at that time, but only in the 'key' copies thatwere held by the writers themselves. We see examples of the same kind of thinghappening with other information that existed earlier, but that was 'released' orgiven out at a later date. And so it is not surprising at all that this is what wouldhappen here as well. At the time that the New Testament was written, it was not'safe' to give out the Chapter and Verse numbers. But at a much later date, itwould not only be 'safe' to, but it would also serve a purpose... to make peoplethink that they did not exist originally. We will look further into just who RobertStephanus was and how he was related to (or descended from) the royals as wellas more about Stephan Langton. Please get our books for more info on this. Wefeel that once persons understand how power was kept by royals and how theywere inter-related and had the same common ancestors, that what we are sayingwill be better understood.

In our books, we will give genealogical information on the royals and the Popesand you will actually be able to 'see' how they all had vested interests in preservingthis secret that was so 'precious' to them. It is in fact, what allowed them to bewho and what they were and to live the lavish lifestyles that they did. In short, itwas a carefully run "business". And still is.


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