Piso Research Center

The information contained herein is to assist those who are conducting research into the true authorship of the New Testament and the creation of Christianity. Years have been spent conducting this research in order to facilitate your ability to piece together the royal Roman Piso family and their part in history as the inventors of a universal religion.

Monday, June 12, 2006

The True Meaning of '666'

[ 12/01/99 ](The True Meaning of '666' and the proof that this is the truth)===================================================
(An Online Article for Edification. Please share this info with others.)

There were three main alpha/numeric systems in use at thetime when the New Testament was being written - Hebrew, Latin(Roman Numerals), and Greek. Until about the year 80 CE, theGreek system consisted of only an old initial system. ArriusPiso (Josephus) developed a 'new' Greek system and incorporatedit into the New Testament.

For the sake of definition, we will call these three main Piso Numbersystems simply the 'Alpha/Numeric' system (meaning that this isone system incorporating three different main languages and theirnumber equivalents).

Flavius Josephus (aka Arrius Piso) hints at the use of what he calls"triangular numbers". He is also the 'mathematician' circa 100 CEcalled 'Nicomachus'. This 'Nicomachus of Garasa' was Josephus/ArriusPiso, because 'Nico' is 'Victor' or 'Winner', and 'Machus' means'of the battle' ( of Garasa ).

Reading Josephus, one finds that Josephus was a Roman General atthe battle of Garasa in 66 CE So, Josephus was 'Nicomachus' ( thevictor of the battle ) of Garasa. Also, in 'history', Josephus is the firstperson to mention Garasa.

These numbers and their meanings are preserved for us inmany of the books of the day, all one must do is look. In this mainnumber system some of these numbers are what we term "main numbers"(which we call 'primary' or 'prime' numbers for short). While others arewhat we call "combined numbers". There are some numbers that servedas both. We will help you to understand the difference between thesetwo types by explaining why it is that we define them differently, andalso why the two types exist.

At present, there are 50 numbers in the main number system that wehave defined (not counting the "checking number/s" or "proof" number/sfor '666'). We do not know if more will be found, but this has been amonumental task. We know that much more work will be done on thisin the future. Of these 50 numbers, 27 are what we term 'prime' numbers.And there are 17 that have been found to be what we call 'combined'numbers. We have also found 6 numbers that act as both 'prime' and'combined' numbers. Again, this may change someday when more workis done on this subject. But the very fact that these numbers exist in thisway says that this was something that was deliberately done and it alsodemonstrates a purpose behind it. There is also a set of numbers that arewhat we call "small prime numbers", but those are not included in thismain system as they act differently than these do and so constituteanother different system (which we call the "Small Prime NumberSystem"). Please read our "Concluding Notes" at the end of this article.

Bear in mind that there were other number systems in addition tothese three main ones which are based on the Greek, Latin (Roman),and Hebrew languages. And that this is merely an article that waswritten for the express purpose of edifying the public to this. Thegreater details of this and other things related to the subject of theRoman Piso family authoring the New Testament can be found inour books.

In this article, we will not give ALL of the numbers or all of themeanings of those numbers, but instead, just a few of those so thatpersons may get an idea of what these numbers meant and what theusage of these were. We are especially proud to be able to bring youthe full true meaning of '666', which, you WILL find listed here.

Please share this information about the true meaning of '666' withas many others as you can. They do deserve to know about it.
8 - Small 80, 'P' ( in Greek ) for 'Piso'. Also, 'H' as acrostic initial for'Horus'. '8' is 'H', but why 'H'? Unless 'H' stands for another nameafter 'J' for 'Jesus'. That would seem to be 'Horus' when we considerthe comparison of 'Jesus' to 'Horus'. However, even more likely, in thepassage where this is referenced if one goes to the alpha/numeric chartthey will see that '8' is also 'P' (the acrostic initial for 'Piso'). That isreally what '8' stood for. Ref. The apocryphal book of 'Barnabas',Chap. VIII, Verse 12. (See 'Lost Books of the Bible', pg. 154, publishedby Bell Publishing Co., NY, NY).

10 - Was 'I' ('J') for 'Jesus' in initial system, or 'K' for 'Kalpournios' in thesequence system. Ref. The apocryphal book of 'Barnabas', Chap. VIII,Verse 12. (See 'Lost Books of the Bible', pg. 154, published by BellPublishing Co., NY, NY).

18 - In the Apocryphal book 'Barnabas' 18:12, '18' is 10 & 8 ('Jesus/Piso'!).18 is also the Pythagorean 666 (6+6+6=18). Ref. The apocryphal book of'Barnabas', Chap. VIII, Verse 12. (See 'Lost Books of the Bible', pg. 154,published by Bell Publishing Co., NY, NY).
27 - 'Pliny' ('Plinios'), in Greek small numbers, honoring 'Pliny the Younger'.Ref. 'The True Authorship of the New Testament', Abelard Reuchlin, pg. 8.

30 - 'Jesus/Flavius' by sequence system, and the total of the name 'Flaviusin Greek small numbers. Ref. 'The True Authorship of the New Testament',Abelard Reuchlin, pg. 8.
36 - The number total of the original spelling of 'Josephus' as 'Josepos' inGreek as demonstrated various times throughout the works of FlaviusJosephus (Ref. 'Josephus', Jewish War, Book V, Chap. XIII, Verse III.Loeb Classical Library Edition), in Greek small numbers. See 'Footnotes'below. Ref. 'The True Authorship of the New Testament', Abelard Reuchlin,pg. 8.
66 - The 'Xi' and 'Bau' of the 'Chi', 'Xi', 'Bau' from 666. 'Flavius Josepos'(Flaouios Iosepos), which is 30 + 36 (sm. num). Ref. 'The True Authorshipof the New Testament', Abelard Reuchlin, pg. 9.
99 - Honor to Pliny the Younger as the total of his full name;'Gaios Kaikilios Sekoundos Plinious', in Greek small numbers. Inthe New Testament, the word 'Amen' was used to honor Pliny theYounger, because it too totaled 99. What Christian knows that theyhonor Pliny the Younger every time they use the word 'Amen'? None.But we do. Ref. 'The True Authorship of the New Testament',Abelard Reuchlin, pg. 9.

100 - 'K.P.' by Greek initial system. Also 'C' for 'Calpurnius' in Latininitial system. Ref. 'The True Authorship of the New Testament', AbelardReuchlin, pg. 10. Ref. Suetonius, 'The Twelve Caesars', pg. 104 (under'Augustus'); "...the (acrostic) initial letter of his name..." and also, "..."C" being the Roman numeral (for) 100." (keyed to the Penguin Classicsedition, Penguin Books).
300 - Stood for 'T', which represented the cross. Ref. 'The General Epistleof Barnabas', (the Apocryphal New Testament), Chap. VIII, Verses 10-14.

600 - The 'X' or 'Chi' (Kai) of 'Chi', 'Xi', 'Bau' (600, 60, 6). 600 is thenumerical value of the initial 'X' which is 'Ch' in English and stands for'Christ'. It is the first letter of the name 'Christ' in Greek, and thereforeis an acrostic initial for 'Christ'. Ref. 'The True Authorship of the NewTestament', Abelard Reuchlin, pg. 10.

616 - When the Church was deciding whether or not to continue toinclude 'Revelations' into the Christian canon (because of 666,its checking number, and other allusions), they opted to try tochange 666 to 616 in the manuscripts so as to throw off thechecking system and yet still honor Christ/Piso (600 = 'Christ',16 = 'Piso'). See 'Council of Nicaea in Bithynia (c. 325 CE). Ref. 'TheTrue Authorship of the New Testament', Abelard Reuchlin, pg. 10.

666 - When Julius Piso wrote 'The Revelation' and gave the number 666,( He was pointing to his dad, who uses 666 once in his writings as'Josephus' ), he put in a "checking number" ("proof number") that wouldbe the total of the names 'Jesus' & 'Christ'. This is how he did it. He madethe total of the entire last phrase of Rev. 13:18 add up to the "checkingnumber", which was 2,368. Because we feel that this is of the utmostimportance for everyone to know, we will also quote from Reuchlin'sbooklet so that you will have the rest of the confirming information aboutthis to work with (towards the end of this explanation of the meaning of'666').

The total of the checking number was from the Greek initialsystem, and so was the entire last phrase of Rev. 13:18, exceptfor ... 666! Because it was not only a part of the total, butalso a separate number unto itself. 666 wasn't written out as itcould have been written, in the form of words like '144,000'was; as "Six Hundred, Sixty-Six".

No, it was written in the form of three letters with numericalvalues! Those letters are, 'Chi', 'Xi', 'Bau'. 'Chi' stands for'Christ' and has a numerical value of 600. The other part of 666was 'Xi' and 'Bau'. This was 66 in small numbers. 66 was thetotal of the name 'Flavius Josephus' (Josepos) in small numbers.(See the Footnotes at the end of the article for examples of where'Josephus' is spelled 'Josepos')

What 666 is, is "Christ/Flavius Josephus" or "Christ (Jesus)'was' Flavius Josephus!" Arrius Piso himself, writing asJosephus, uses the number 666 to denote himself when saying how'gold' was given to King Solomon. He says; '666' talents of'gold'. "'Gold" meaning "Flavius" (Ref. 'Josephus', 'Ant. of theJews', Chap. 7, verse 2). He was hinting at his descent fromKing Solomon through King David, as he does in Matthew 1:6, whenhe plays Jesus! And, he was saying that "666" was "gold" (i.e.,"Flavius"), and therefore HIS number.

Also, the '36' (in the '66' part of '666'), which is "Josepos"(Josephus) cumulates (by the Cumulative Number System) into'666'! So, '666' is '36', i.e., "Josepos" (Josephus)! This is the lastnail in the coffin of Christianity - as it indeed now has been provenfalse! It ALL points to 'Piso'! Now, here is what Abelard Reuchlinhas to say about '666';

"The Pisos used the numbers all through the NT - in various ways,again and again. Piso teased that even "the very hairs of your head areall numbered!" (Mat. 10:30) There was were no copyright laws then,and their use of code was like copyrighting their work. That way, nofuture authors could steal the honor (sic) which they wished for theirmemories forever, by claiming, even secretly, that the great work wastheirs."

"But then, Piso's oldest living son, Julius (who was John as a little boyin the Synoptic Gospels), became angry at the family. As Julius Severus,he had just destroyed Bar Cochbah in the year which is now 135 CE (AD).But instead of rewarding him, his surviving brother Justus and Justus'friend Emperor Hadrian, who was under his thumb, had named sisterClaudia's son Antoninus to succeed Hadrian. Julius felt his own grandsonshould have been chosen successor instead. (Ref. Dio Cassius, LXIX.17(1),which is volume 8, pg. 455, Loeb edition). But Hadrian even specified thathis two own young kinsmen should be emperors after Antoninus!"

"So in 136-137 Julius retaliated by writing Revelation, and in it turningthe number code against the family. He ridicules Pliny, who was number27, by making the beast in Revelation 13:1 (14 and therefore his ownfather!) have 10 horns, 7 heads, and 10 diadems (crowns), which total 27.He makes his own dead father into the dragon, who acts 42 months(Matthew 1:17; 3x14, that is Jesus) in Revelation 13:5. The seven angelshave seven plagues (a total of 14!) in Revelation 15:6."

"He is most vicious toward his father in Revelation 13:18 by saying thenumber of the beast was 666. 600 (which was Xpistos by the initial system)plus 66 (Flaouios Josepos) by small numbering). That is, daddy and hiscreation, Christ! Some ancient manuscripts have this as 616, but the resultis the same. For 16 is P by the sequence system, and P stood for Piso. So616 is Piso plus Christ!"

"In that same verse, Julius derides his father yet another way. That involveda forth Greek numerical code system: regular (not "small") numbering inwords and entire phrases. The total of the phrase introducing the number ofthe beast ("and his number is") was made to be 1,702 in regular numbering,so that when 666 was added to it, the total was 2,368; and that was the sameidentical total, also in regular numbering, of the names Jesus Christ. Eachwas 2,368." (Also refer to 'City of Revelation', John Michel, Ballantine Books,NY, 1972, page 163)

And, don't forget the direct and deliberate stipulation by Julius Piso in TheRevelation that "nothing be added or subtracted from this book" (ourparaphrase, and with "this book" meaning specifically The Revelation. Ref.22:18). But as we can see in the attempted change of the number 666 to 616,later generations of his family tried various ways and means with which tohide the proof that Julius Piso left for us in The Revelation including puttingit into other languages instead of the original Greek. Yet, here it is... TheRevelation. The book that is the ending of the story, really IS the ending ofthe story!!!

I would suggest for anyone who really wants to know about this in depth thatthey get a copy of Reuchlin's booklet and whatever other books on thissubject that you can find.
888 - "Jesus" in Greek initial system (IHSOUS). This was part of the "checkingnumber" or "proof number" for '666'. Ref. 'The True Authorship of the NewTestament', Abelard Reuchlin, pg. 11.

1000 - 'Ch' (Chi) is the acrostic initial for 'Christ' in the 'old' initial system(Greek), which was in use even before Piso made his number system.1000 was used sometimes in lieu of the actual name 'Christ' so as to keep themeanings hidden (sacred, hallowed), in 'Revelations'. See the Latin numberchart.

2368 - The 'checking number' for 666, which by Pythagorean math principles,adds up to '19' ( 2 + 3 + 6 + 8 = 19 ). That's the name "Piso" in the Greek smallnumber system! This is proof on top of proof! Far too much to be merelycoincidence and this should be clear to just about everyone.


Why did they use code? They had to use code. As AbelardReuchlin says; "The Pisos, through Imperial power, were using thenew faith deliberately as their instrument of control of themasses. Writing of this openly would have brought Rome's swiftvengeance and the destruction of the Jewish people." Through theGospels, epistles, and 'history', the Pisos and their relativesre-created the environment of the Roman Empire. They advised themasses to be humble and to respect authority (their ownsynthesized and ill gotten authority). They advised servants(slaves) to be subject to their masters (Peter 1, 2:18), nomatter how they were treated! For, 'their' reward was waitingfor them in heaven (Matt. 6:20). Later, when the family tried toomit 'Revelations' from the canon, Eusebius (Julius ConstantiusConstantine's half-brother), tried to throw you off the trail by sayingsomething similar to - "I guess Christians put a mention ofChrist in Josephus." They were descendants of Piso, coming downthe line through Marcus Aurelius. Julius Constantius took the'nomes de plume' of 'Eusebius' (Ref. Works of Abelard Reuchlin).

Suetonius, in his "Twelve Caesars", writes that the Caesars wrote in'cipher' (i.e., 'code'). He writes about the ciphers used and the lettersinvented by them: Julius Caesar, under 'Julius Caesar', pg. 34-35.Augustus Caesar, under 'Augustus', pg. 98. Claudius under 'Claudius',pg. 205. (pages keyed to the Penguin Classics edition, translated byRobert Graves, Penguin Books - paperback edition).

A few examples of where Flavius Josephus spells his name 'Josepos':[keyed to Whiston's translation into English. However, in order to see/read this you must have this in the Greek. It can be found in the LoebClassical Library volumes]

(1) Wars of the Jews (at Whiston, page 574), Book V, Chap. XIII,Verse III. "...Josepos was taken up, ..."
(2) Wars of the Jews (at Whiston, page 569), Book VI, Chap. II, VerseI. "...Josepos said thus, ..."

(1) (Large, Small, and Sequence). Greek-English New TestamentLexicon, 'The Interlinear Greek-English New Testament', GeorgeRicker Berry, Zondervan Publishing, Grand Rapids, Mich.(2) (Initial, and Sequence). 'The Secret Teachings of AllAges', Manley P. Hall, pg. LXV ff., 1975.(3) (Large, Small, and Initial). Encyclopedia Americana, 1962,'N' (for 'Numerals').(4) (Old Initial). Universal Standard Encyclopedia, vol. 17,'N' (for 'Numerals'), pg. 6234, Unicorn Pub., 1954.
(1) (Initial). Universal Standard Encyclopedia.(2) (Sequence, and Initial). Encyclopedia Americana.
(1) (Large, and Small). 'The Secret Teachings of All Ages',Manley P. Hall. Also, Zohar & Zolar.(2) "Celtic Druids", by Higgins.
Suetonius; 'The Twelve Caesars', Nero #39. 'The Ante-NiceneFathers'; Vol. 1, 'The General Epistle of Barnabas'. 'The LostBooks of the Bible'; 'Barnabas', Chap. 8:9-14. Plutarch'sMoralia; Vol. 8, 'Table Talk' V (Loeb Classical Edition), pg.673. 'Isaac Asimov's Guide to the Bible', 1981 Edition, Avenel.'Book of Popular Science', Grolier 1960, Vol. 1, pg. 235-241.'The Bible as Literature' - The New Testament, Barnes & NobleCollege Outline Series, B.B. Trawick, 1968 (Second Edition).'The Literature of the New Testament', Ernest F. Scott, ColumbiaUniv. Press, 1936. 'Number Words and Number Symbols', Karl W.Menninger. 'Numbers: Their History & Meaning', Graham Flegg.'Pythagorean Library', Kenneth S. Guthrie, Platonist Press, 1920.'Number Theory and its History', Oystein Ore, Mcgraw-Hill, 1948,page 28. Suetonius; 'The Twelve Caesars', Augustus #97. 'TheSacred Books of the Jews', Harry Gersh, 1968, Stein and DayPublishing, pg. 212. 'The Story of Civilization' (The Life ofGreece), Will Durant, 1939, Simon and Schuster, N.Y. pg. 627.

"Several place names are mentioned, and the heading gives a dateof the seventh year of Hadrian, i.e., AD 124. These, and otherGreek documents are all on papyrus, but some are on skin and giveadministrative registers, civil and military. Jewish names likeJosephus, Jesus, Saulus (Paul), and Simon appear, followed bynumbers and signs."- John Allegro
('The Mystery of the Dead Sea Scrolls Revealed')


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