Piso Research Center

The information contained herein is to assist those who are conducting research into the true authorship of the New Testament and the creation of Christianity. Years have been spent conducting this research in order to facilitate your ability to piece together the royal Roman Piso family and their part in history as the inventors of a universal religion.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006



We have already examined (C.) Caesennius Paetus and will have references for that and other items here at the end of this article. So, we can go on to examine Arrius Calpurnius Piso.


Arrius Calpurnius Piso definitely had many, many more alias names. But for now it is important to know these names before going on to the rest. Below you will find examples of his "Arrius" name used both in the history of his time and in the New Testament as well.

1. He is "Arrius" as Arrius Antoninus, in the history of his time.

2. He is Areios/Arrius as the god Mars incarnate and is mentioned as the god Mars throughout the works of Juvenal (Loeb editions).

3. He is "Arrius" (Annius) as the brother of Flavia Arria (i.e. Fannia).

4. He is "Arrius", because as Jesus he is called by the Jews "ben Pantera", meaning that he is "son of his mother". The Jews were pointing out that his name was "Arrius" as the masculine form of his mother’s name (Arria). One of the other things that we found in our research of royal language is that "T" and "TH" were often switched or used interchangeably. So, "Pantera" (or "Pentera") could also be "PenTHera", which is "mother" (i.e., HIS mother, "Arria"). Knowing this shows us that "ben PenTHera", means "son of mother" (Arria). The Jews say that he is "son of mother", so that when one finds out that "Jesus" was really being played by the person who invented him, and we know that person to be Josephus and/or even (C.) Caesennius Paetus, that we would be pointed to his MOTHER so that we could find his name as being "Arrius" as the masculine form of his mother’s name. Another thing that they knew and used was the hints and clues given by the authors of the New Testament themselves! The Greek word "PenTHera" for "mother" is in Mark 1:30, Matt. 8.14, Luke 4:38. In Matthew 12:48, Jesus (or the person who was playing him rather) says; "Who is my mother?" He is asking a question, a question that of course the average person thinks that they know the answer to - "Mary" ("Mary" is another form/spelling of "Arria"), but it is a deceptive one. The question is asked by him, Arrius Piso, to point towards his own mother as the source of his real name of Arrius… and so more is said in the form of questions. Matt. 13:55; "Is not HIS (Jesus/Arrius Piso) mother called "Mary?" If his name is "Arrius" as the masculine form of "Arria" (his mother), then his sister would also have the same name as his mother, i.e. "Arria". Her name was hidden in history by simply changing the r’s to n’s, and by putting the initial of her first name ("F") in front of her name instead of
spelling it out ("Flavia").

5. As Jesus, he is the "Lamb", and the word for lamb is "Arnius" in Greek and in the royal language it is seen as "Arrius" because r’s and n’s are interchangeable (Ref. John 1:29, Greek/English Interlinear New Testament).

6. His name is inserted into the New Testament by several means. One of which is by the mention of the marketplace of "Appius", as in the royal language r’s and p’s are interchangeable to render the name "Arrius" (Acts 28:15, Greek/English Interlinear New Testament).

7. In the Revelations, 6:6, "Arrius" is inserted by mentioning the word "denARIUS". And in his true ingenious style the author of the Revelations (Julius Calpurnius Piso) also makes this secretly as a question. And the reason we know this is this, "den" means "did not", and so it actually reads; "did not Arrius?" And when one knows this, we also get to read the question with the inferred words to give the full question of; "Did not Arrius (Piso) do/create it?" Sheer genius on the part of Julius Piso.

Now, with the combined knowledge that (C.) Caesennius Paetus was an alias name of
Arrius Calpurnius Piso, we now go on to examine the name Montanus in comparison
with what we already know.


Well, we have already found that Thrasea Paetus and Caesennius Paetus were alias names of Gaius Calpurnius Piso and his son Arrius Calpurnius Piso because of the many factors involved with each and their other family members. Thrasea Paetus and Caesennius Paetus were not just alias names, but were also "composites" for the real persons behind the names.

Note that this allows us to build profiles of these persons as their alias names are re vealed. That is the way that these ancient authors had 'designed' this so that it WOULD be found out.

And so, we look to find other similar composites that may be telling and we find the same
similarity in the name and figure of "Montanus". So, we examine this critically.

Why "Montanus" for an alias name of Arrius Piso? Because he saw himself as a large immovable object such as a large hill or mountain. And he saw himself as the god Mars, who was the God of War, incarnate. And then he could also joke about this in the New Testament were "Mar’s Hill" is mentioned - because "Mar’s Hill" in Greek is "Areios Pagos". And a "mount" (like Olympus), a large hill or mountain in Greek is "Pagos", so here we have "Areios (Arrius) Mountain/Montanus". But "pagos" can also be "opos" or "ipos" in Greek when viewing it in royal language and "ip(p)os" is "horse" or "beast" which is also what Arrius Piso was referred to. "Ippos" is the name "Piso" rearranged, and in the Revelations, Julius Piso refers to his father (Arrius) as "the Beast". So, to say "Mar’s Hill" we could say in our meaning in Greek "Arrius Ippos/Piso" (Ref. Acts 17:19 and 17:22).

A more detailed explanation of things not explained more fully here will be found in other works on this subject. There is also another joke in the New Testament where as Jesus, he (Arrius Piso) is slyly referred to as a "Mountain" (John 4:21). But bear in mind that many of these jokes and names cannot be seen in translated or interpreted versions of the New Testament. To ‘see’ these, you’ll have to use a good Greek/English Interlinear New Testament. You will have to go to the earliest Greek translation (not "interpretation") to see/read this. In any case, this particular joke is rather interesting as it shows the author clearly "talking out of the side of his mouth."

In John 4:21, Jesus (Arrius Piso) says; "Woman, believe me, the hour is coming when you shall worship the (ancestral) Father neither in (the form of) THIS MOUNTAIN ("Montanus", i.e. Arrius Piso), nor in Jerusalem." He is saying more than one thing here. He is referring to himself as "this mountain", that is HIMSELF as "the Mountain" because he is "Montanus". The reason he says that she will not worship the (ancestral) Father (i.e. "god", whom was the original "god", that being Pharaoh Adamenhept I whom Arrius Piso derives his ‘power’ and inherited name/title of "god" from) in Jerusalem is because he was pointing to the fact that Jerusalem by that time had been destroyed. It was later than 70 CE when this was being written.

And he is also saying that the day when Christianity will end will eventually come. There is more and more evidence pointing towards Arrius Piso’s son Julius Piso having a great concern about Christianity, and that they, as the authors should make statements in the New Testament that will allow humanity to one day find out about all of this. And so, it appears that statements referring to the end of Christianity that were inserted into the New Testament were done to appease this son of Arrius Piso.


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