Piso Research Center

The information contained herein is to assist those who are conducting research into the true authorship of the New Testament and the creation of Christianity. Years have been spent conducting this research in order to facilitate your ability to piece together the royal Roman Piso family and their part in history as the inventors of a universal religion.

Friday, June 09, 2006

The Illusion of Perpetual 'Need'

(The Roman Piso Forum, 02/14/2000)

If we humans only made use of our brains and gave some real thought to a few things,
so much would become clear to us and be within our control to manage and
make the best of - as it should be.

There is no real 'need' for life to be the struggle that it is. There is no real
need to work most of our lives just to survive and 'earn' a living. That is
something that we should have entitled ourselves to by this point in time.
And we do have the knowledge and technology to make it possible, if not
for us now, then for future generations at least. That wasted time and energy
could be used to the betterment and benefit of all of humanity, both present
and future.

In this article we are going to address the subject of needless suffering and
wasted resources. If we would only manage the population according to the
available resources, we would NEVER have to have shortages and prices
(demand) would NEVER have to increase. We should manage our (world)
resources by planning and portioning them out in a reasonable manner by
projecting far out into the future what the need will be. And this should be
done along with a plan to replenish, replace, and/or substitute those when
and as they are used.

But as long as pain, suffering, hunger and poverty exist, there will be the
perceived 'need' for the belief in a god or gods. And this is why we never
get to that point. These things are within our control to eliminate; they have
been prolonged and in some instances deliberately synthesized or created
just for the purpose of sustaining the perceived 'need' for belief in god.

When we realize that we are NOT dependant upon a god for these and
other perceived needs to be met and/or to get through tough times, we
discover that we have been deceived into believing so much that is not
true or even 'real'. We begin to understand how we have been taken
advantage of by those who are parasites upon humanity, who make great
wealth on the suffering of others and whose family business IS religion.

They have deceived us in so many ways that it is not at all funny. They
have left us with accumulated deceptions and deliberately synthesized
needs and perceived "needs". They created the illusion of evil in the
world and of the 'devil' and demons to the point that these have become
'real' to us in a sense, via our fears - which they also created and play off
of! The truth is that humanity IS basically "good". And like all other
animals strives to make the most of itself and to be the best that it can be,
and this, despite all of the difficulties that we are confronted with and/or
that are put in our way. The 'evil' that we think that we see around us in
everyday life is "self-created" (much like a self-fulfilled prophesy). It is
NOT 'real' in the sense that it is NOT innate.

Evil and/or crime is synthesized ideology. What makes this appear real
and become real to us is merely the power of 'suggestion'. If we are told
something over and over again, and 'think' that we actually see proof of
it, then we 'think' that it is 'real'. And if we are not able to tell for
ourselves what is truly real and what is in actuality 'synthesized reality',
we WILL believe what we perceive to be 'real' - whether or not it is.

Which brings up another subject that we will be discussing soon and
that is the issue of 'School Prayer'. Here we are distracted with this
issue, and in thinking that there are only TWO options here; 1) To teach
or not teach Evolution, and 2) to allow School Prayer in public schools.

When what we really need to be teaching is how to tell what is REAL.
This is the very basic thing. This is what we started out learning before
there was any history or rulers. We observed the certitudes of the world
around us and of ourselves. We should be teaching the certitudes of
reality and how to tell what is truly real and what is or may be suspect
or 'created' to deceive us. Again, as we have stated before, 'belief'
should be suspended until or unless it can be proven to be true. And if
enough evidence is shown that 'belief' was created deliberately for the
purpose of deceiving mankind, then it should be known to all and
classed as such.

Now as to the subject at hand, the conceptual idea of evil and crime
can ONLY exist when persons are divided against each other (either
consciously or subconsciously), and this, is NOT the natural state of

These persons who divided us, conquered us. They manipulated
humanity and gave us our very conceptual perception of 'reality', of
what is 'real' to us by synthesizing it for us, and they kept us from
knowing what true reality is. They kept this all in place and perpetuated
it very easily because they knew the power of suggestion and were in
seats of power over us continually. They gave us the very names that
we have, and the very words that we use - in short, our language. They
created all of this and in doing so they tricked us into thinking that it
was all 'normal'. When a REAL language would not have had words
in it that had more than one meaning. By making language in the ways
that they did, they allowed for the use of rhetoric - a dividing mechanism
which they used against humanity.

Many of the words and phrases that we know of and use today came to
us from THEM. They keep 'concepts' alive that we would have otherwise
overcome by now. Many persons use cliché's that were devised by them
as well and which help perpetuate the ignorance that allows us to continue
to be manipulated. As long as we remain ignorant of all of this and are not
able to determine for ourselves what is truly 'real' we will be at the mercy
of the descendants of those grand manipulators and will never be what we
were meant to be by nature. We can have so much, we can BE so much -
but first we must all know the truth in order to correct what has been done
to us and build a new world that can and does understand what is 'real'.


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