The Great Secret of Royals
(07/23/00, The Roman Piso Homepage)
Simply put, there could have been no royalty without a god or gods to ordain them as such. And so, those who sought to control others and gain power over them created ‘gods’ tofacilitate that. Let me explain…
The ancient royals were what we would call "god makers" and religion creators. They were big on making sure that what they said in their works were ‘true’ in at least some sense and so they used what we today would described as ‘disclaimers’.
These were very much like what one would think of as ‘small print’. Yes, that is right, the same kind of ‘small print’ that is used by crooked merchants. Here is the "disclaimer" of the ‘god makers’ in Jeremiah 16:19-20; "Shall a man make gods unto himself and they (are) no gods?" This should be read; "Shall a man make gods FOR himself and there are no gods?" This says that the person who is making "gods" is no god (in reality). A question is then inferred from this and that is; then why make the gods? And we will find that out in this article.
This says that "they" are no gods, but means "there are" no gods. Not because this is a translation or even a mere "interpretation" of the statement - no, it "means" this because when one knows the full truth about all of this FIRST that one is then able to DEDUCE the "inferred" meaning.
Once you realize that one royal family via its various branches were the creators of virtually all known gods and religions - then you know the deeper truths about this which one discovers and that is that they (the royals) were in the "god"/religion business, but that it was still even much more than that - you also learn that for royals to even have existed they first had to create "gods" to ordain them. That is, to "authorize" them as select representatives of those "gods".
Yes, creating gods and religions was a means of establishing and creating "authority" for royals in order for them to rule in the first place. They were "ordained" by the very gods that they created! That was the real and original reason and purpose for the creation of gods (by royals), to BE that facilitation that creates royalty itself. Funny how this reminds one of the phrase "to BE, or NOT to BE". In this instance, that would mean either they DID this in order to BE royalty, or they would NOT be royalty. That, in their minds would BE the question!
"Gods" were the higher and mysterious power that gave orders to the masses instructing them to accept one person or other and/or their family members as the ones who would be "in charge" and be the leaders of the masses - they, the "chosen" (of the created god/s) were the representatives of "god" on Earth. And that is how all of this truly and logically worked. This is the real truth about gods and royalty. This should have been figured out long, long ago.
To restate this, there could have been no royalty without a god or gods to ordain them as such. And so, those who sought to control others and gain power over them created ‘gods’ to facilitate that. So, what came first the royals or the gods? The very first time it had to be that there were ordinary persons who sought to be "royal" in order to gain control over a group of persons and then a god or gods were created by them in order to achieve that.
However, after having had this work, this particular family then worked on refining this. And so, afterwards it was the royals who were creating gods for various branches of this family so that rulers could be "ordained" in other countries as well. This family learned a lot from what they were able to accomplish by this. They well knew that knowledge was the key to their being able to manipulate the masses, or as we are used to hearing it; "knowledge is power".
They, these "god creators" know what things to do in order to maintain/retain their power and control over the masses. They knew that for themselves to maintain a high level of knowledge and information was to keep what they already had and to even more, and so, "dumbing down" the masses was a large part of this. So, they invented superstitions and other misleading items so that the masses would preoccupy themselves with trivial matters and be distracted from ‘real’ things or things of real consequence to them in their lives.
The poor, mistreated and thoroughly manipulated masses were kept in perpetual ignorance by these rulers - and were ‘played’ like musical instruments by master musicians. The royals from the very beginning of the time when they first discovered how to BE royals, were busy figuring out how they could keep this good thing going for as long as possible. And a part of that included keeping records of their observances of the skies (called "heavens" by them).
They knew when solar and lunar eclipses would occur. And this knowledge was used as a very powerful tool to convince the masses that "god" was giving them a ‘sign’. Can you imagine who those poor and dumb subjects would have acted when seeing such a thing happening? The manipulators (the royals) could have asked for ANYTHING and got it from each and every one of those poor fools who were under their control. Today, we see this same thing being continued. Only instead of "royals", it is those who have the "knowledge" and who are using it to gain their "good life" off of the backs of "believers". They do things that most of us never think of and that most of us as good persons would NOT do to other human beings - yet, they are praised by the very persons whom they are scamming! They are televangelists and preachers in large churches, they are in positions of authority within those very familiar "organized" religions.
And what is it that they do? They get their "tithes" from the masses, which is really millions and millions of dollars annually for each of these churches and preachers. And, on top of that churches do NOT pay property tax. And eventually, each and every ‘believer’ will die.
And guess what? A great many of these ‘believers’ will leave their money and property to "the church". That is millions and millions of dollars worth of personal property and homes, jewels and jewelry, etc. People complain of "rip-offs", but get angry with you if you try to explain to them that they are being ripped off by the church! And if I were a child of a person who would have something to leave to me and instead found out that all that my parent had worked hard to obtain in their lifetime was left to the church instead of me, I’d be angry!
The truth of the matter is that all of this could go directly to the church with very few persons even being aware of it. You, as a child of someone who had their life’s work to leave to you, may NEVER even know WHERE all of that personal wealth had went! And, chances are that if YOU are a believer, that very same thing may happen to you and your child or children will have the same thing happen to them too in this ‘cycle’. We are not just talking about money or real estate property either. We are talking about ANYTHING that one can leave to others upon death. We are talking about art, patents, research secrets, little known information, rare books, family heirlooms, archaeological finds, gold, silver, rare coins, and on and on. All of this piled up on top of another pile of wealth times millions - all going to "the church" in a continual cycle year after year for all of these years! Can there BE any bigger scam???
When you get to a certain point where you have gained a large amount of knowledge about all of this - all you will need are "inferences" which may be found in ancient texts in order to understand what is really "meant" when things are stated in them. The reason being is that
you will pretty much have already figured out what is being inferred and all that the inference would do is to further substantiate your conclusions. Those inferences would be like so much
"supplemental" knowledge or information to what you already know anyway.
Please share this article with others and get this information out so that persons may have a clue as to what is really going on. Thank you.
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