Piso Research Center

The information contained herein is to assist those who are conducting research into the true authorship of the New Testament and the creation of Christianity. Years have been spent conducting this research in order to facilitate your ability to piece together the royal Roman Piso family and their part in history as the inventors of a universal religion.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006




The authorship of the New Testament books have been discovered. For years, the book

"The True Authorship of the New Testament" has been out and many persons have been

discovering this as well.

Now, we feel that it is time to put this information out on the Net. There has been a few

WebPages on the Net telling about how and why the Roman Piso family authored the New

Testament. But there had yet to be the information on who wrote each of the New Testament

books. So, here you will find out who wrote what. This information is copyrighted and

cannot be posted fully on the Internet. However, there is enough information here so that

persons can grasp the fact that this is real and that they can research it further as well as

find books that will help to explain this in more detail.

Soon, there will be new books out that will enable even the person to do their own research

on this and to verify it. Our goal in all of this is to get this out to as many persons as

possible and to see more and more persons writing on this subject. Look for books on the

subject of: 'The Piso Theory', and of 'The New Classical Scholarship'.

We have determined that the book of Mark was the first of the Gospels to have been

written and so we will always list Mark before Matthew.


MARK: The gospel of Mark was written in a prototype form before it was later crafted

into the form that we are familiar with. The earlier version was called 'Ur Marcus' and is

also known/called 'Q' (for 'Quelle', which is German for the 'source').

Our latest findings regarding the early version of Mark show that this was written at about

the time of Claudius Caesar, by the grandfather of Arrius Piso. That version was apparently

only a bare sketch and most likely did not give a name to the 'messiah'. That appears to

have been done later by the person who actually played 'Jesus' in the Gospels - Arrius Piso

The version that we are familiar with was written about the year 73 CE by Arrius Calpurnius

Piso. Arrius Piso was a Roman on his father's side, but a descendant of King Herod on his

mother's side and therefore he knew well about the Jewish religion. He was also a close

relative to the Flavians and even though secretly he could inherit and use the Flavian name

by his mother's descent from them, he gave a story about receiving it from the emperor

Vespasian (in his other identity as Flavius Josephus).

MATTHEW: Matthew too, was authored by Arrius Calpurnius Piso. This was written about

the year 75 CE.

LUKE: Was written 85-90 CE by Arrius C. Piso and Pliny the Younger.

JOHN: The 4th Gospel, or the Gospel of John was written by Justus Calpurnius Piso, a son of

Arrius C. Piso. This son was very much like this father in his hatred towards humanity. This

Gospel was written circa 105 CE.

ACTS: The Acts of the Apostles was written by Arrius Piso and his son Justus, with some

help from Pliny the Younger 96-100 CE. By the way, there is a portion of Acts that is missing

from most English translations/interpretations. That is the 29th Chapter, which has 10 verses.

ROMANS: The epistle to the Romans was written by another son of Arrius Piso (Proculus Piso)

and Claudia Phoebe about the year 100. Claudia Phoebe is known in history as the wife of the

emperor Trajan (as Pompeia Plotina). She wrote the last few verses of this epistle, which many

copies of the NT in English leave out because that portion was written by a woman. This is

obvious, and she even gives her name as 'Phoebe'. You can tell where the previous male author

leaves off and the female author begins because the male author "signs off" with 'Amen'. She

wrote the last verses (25-27) of Romans, Chapter 16.

1st CORINTHIANS, GALATIONS, and EPHESIANS: were all written between 100-103 CE by

Pliny the Younger.

2nd CORINTHIANS and PHILIPPIANS: were written by Justus C. Piso between 103-105 CE.

COLOSSIANS: was written by Justus C. Piso and his son Julianus (Julianus was the father of

the emperor Marcus Aurelius, but this is seen in history only by his use of another name 'Verus').

1st TIMOTHY: was written by Pliny the Younger circa 105 CE.

2nd TIMOTHY: was written by Justus C. Piso (also known in history by other names), c. 107 CE.

1st and 2nd THESSALONIANS: were written by Justus C. Piso and his son Julianus with some help

from his nephew Silanus between the years 105-110 CE.

TITUS: was written by Pliny the Younger circa 103-105 CE.

PHILEMON: was written by Justus C. Piso and his son Julianus.

JAMES: was written by Justus C. Piso around 110 CE.

1st and 2nd PETER: were written by Proculus Piso between 110-115 CE.

1st, 2nd and 3rd JOHN: were written by Julius Calpurnius Piso (who was still another son of

Arrius Calpurnius Piso), between 110-115 CE.

JUDE: was written by Julius C. Piso also, between the years 110-115 CE.

THE REVELATION OF JOHN THE DIVINE: was written by Julius Calpurnius Piso, who

may have been the son of the other Julius Calpurnius Piso (who had the same name), and

this was written in or about the year 137 CE. It was not the book of the NT, just written as

the end of the story.

HEBREWS: This was written by a grandson of Arrius Piso named Flavius Arrianus circa

140 CE. Flavius Arrianus was the real name of the historian who wrote as 'Appian'. This

person was the half-brother of the emperor Antoninus Pius. Antoninus Pius, by the way,

also wrote history under the name of Suetonius. Flavius Arrianus also wrote other works,

most notably, he wrote under the name of 'Ptolemy'.


For more information on specifics you will want to get a copy of the booklet titled 'The

True Authorship of the New Testament', by Abelard Reuchlin.





TIBERIUS (14 -37 CE)



NERO (54 - 68 CE)

GALBA (68-69)


OTHO (69)



TITUS (79-81)

DOMITIAN (81-96)

NERVA (96-98)

TRAJAN (98-117)

HADRIAN (117-138)



LUCIUS VERUS (161-169)

COMMODUS (177-192)






CARACALLA (198-217)

GETA (209-212)

MACRINUS (217-218)


ELAGABALUS (218-222)


MAXIMINUS I (235-238)

MAXIMUS (235-238)





GORDIAN III (238-244)

MARINUS (c. 243-244)

PHILIP I (244-249)

PHILIP II (247-249)

PACATIAN (c. 248)

JOTAPIAN (c. 248)





VOLUSIAN (251-253)


URANIUS (c. 253-254)

VALERIAN I (253-260)

GALLIENUS (253-268)

VALERIAN II (253-255)


MACRIANUS I (260-261)


QUIETUS (260-261)


ODENATHUS (193 ? -267)

POSTUMUS I (259-268)

POSTUMUS II (c. 268)



MARIUS (268)


VICTORINUS I (268-270)


TETRICUS I (270-273)

TETRICUS II (270-273))



AURELIAN (270-275)

VABALATHUS ((271-272)

ZENOBIA (267-275)

TACITUS (275-276)


PROBUS (276-282)

BONOSUS (c.280)


CARUS (282-283)

NUMERIAN (283-284)

CARINUS (283-285)

NIGRINIAN (283-284)

JULIAN I (284-285)

DIOCLETIAN (284-305, etc.)

AMANDUS (285-286)

CARAUSIUS (287-293)

ALLECTUS (293-296)


MAXIMIANUS I (286-310)


GALERIUS (305-311)

SEVERUS II (306-307)



MAXENTIUS (306-312)

ROMULUS (306-309)

ALEXANDER (308-311)

LICINIUS I (308-324)

LICINIUS II (317-324)




Monday, June 12, 2006


CONCLUDING NOTES:==================

(1) Not all numbers were 'Piso Numbers" (i.e. 'code').

(2) Of those that were, not all are "primary" Piso numbers. Some are "combined"Piso numbers. This means that some Piso numbers exist owing to the fact thatthe primary Piso numbers contained within them happen to add up to thosenumbers, and that they are; (a) not "arbitrary". And this also means that (b),there are actually much fewer "chosen" Piso numbers than there appear to beon the surface (as only the 'primary Piso numbers' can be counted as truly "Pisoinvented" or 'original' numbers).

A "Combined Number" is one that is the sum of two or more other numbers inorder to form that number and its meaning (such as '66', which is 30 + 36).As chances of probability go, this virtually eliminates the possibility of 'chance'from the equation. The reason being that as the more numbers that there are insuch a system that may be arbitrarily used, the more likely that they were justmade up and therefore not a truly valid system. (because any number can haveany meaning if it is not derived from a source that gives, indicates, shows, ordemonstrates in some way a meaning to the number). [Note that in a 'closedsystem' (i.e., one within a 'closed environment'), meanings can be given tonumbers and letters simply by inference. (such as 'H' for 'Horus')]

However, conversely, when it can be demonstrated that a goodly amount of thenumbers used in such a system have their basis in "prime" numbers within thatsystem, that is evidence that neither the base (or "prime numbers") or the"combined numbers" are arbitrarily invented. In short, this demonstrates proofthat there was deliberate thought behind the development of such as a systemand that it is indeed valid, real and true.

(3) Besides this proof, they also made use of what we have termed "checkingnumbers" or "proof" numbers that further demonstrate that those numbers werenot 'chance' numbers, but rather that they were deliberately arrived at and usedfor specific purposes. (See '666').

(4) As well as the numbers in the system that derive from the number value ofletters within the three languages listed (Greek, Latin, Hebrew), there was alsoanother system that incorporated the use of numbers themselves apart from anyletter values. This system has been termed the "Cumulative Number System".This system will be further defined in our books and in the upcoming works ofAbelard Reuchlin.

(5) The "Small Prime Number System" is simply the use of single digit numbersas representatives of that number times 10 (i.e., '6' would be seen as '60', etc.).
We have no doubt that as more persons find out about the work that we havedone in this area, that there will be others who will be looking into this all inmuch further detail. It is our opinion after doing all of this work that it is nomystery to us as to why persons have not been able to figure out the truemeaning of '666' and of the number systems in general. Most of the personswho have looked into this have not had the complete systems from which towork. A case in point being that in order to find out the true meanings of themajority of those numbers used one would have to have the most completelyreconstructed listing of number values available to them in all three of thosealpha/numeric language systems and not just use one or two, or parts of oneor two. It should also be noted that the Greek system also involved theinclusion or addition of 3 Phoenician letters. One of those being 'bau', whichwas used as the number '6' in '666'.

The three Phoenician letters used in the Greek system were; "bau" (as 'S' or '6',multiples of 6, etc.), and "koppa" (as 'Q' or '9', multiples of 9, etc.), as well as"sampi" (as '9' and multiples of 9, etc.). The Reference for this may be foundin the "Encyclopedia Americana," 1962, as well as in other books that dealwith the specifics of ancient numbers, number history and number theory.


This issue of this subject (the Piso Number Systems), brings up another one.That is the issue of "Chapter & Verse". Specifically, the so-called "LaterAddition" of Chapter & Verse to the Bible as a whole.

First of all, we wish to address this in order to more fully explain to personsthe very nature of all of this. Again, what persons tend to have the mostdifficult time grasping and understanding is that which we term the 'closedenvironment' (you may think of this as a 'closed system' or as a 'controlledenvironment'). We explain this in our books more fully. Secondly, most ofthe numbers and meanings in the systems are not dependent upon the numberingof Chapter and Verses. However, we would still like to address this issue.

Persons will point to Stephan Langton as the person who 'invented' the Chapterdivisions of the bible in 1205. Stephan Langton, is also the person whom weknow of as the person who had later become the Archbishop of Canterbury. And,in addition to the 'contribution' of Mr. Langton, we see in our recorded 'history'that Robert Stephanus is credited with the numbering of the Verses in the bibleand of using the Chapter divisions that were 'given' by Stephan Langton.

At the time that this was done by Langton and Stephanus, the world was stillruled by kings and free speech still did not exist. In other words, the 'closedenvironment' that we have been talking about was still in effect. The 'closedenvironment' is what allowed all of this to happen. It is what facilitated it.

The answer to this is obvious to us, because of the 'closed environment' andwhat we know about the fact of the number systems being in use when the NTwas being written (site our reference to Plutarch and others), as well as the factthat 'key' documents existed at the time when this all began, we can safelyconclude that the numbers of Chapter and Verse were indeed used by thewriters in the original documents. However, because of the fact that the commonpersons whom received this information in the first churches were most likelyall or nearly all illiterate and not a part of the Inner-Circle of knowledge aboutthis, there was NO NEED to give Chapter & Verse numbers to the public.

Therefore, these numbers did exist at that time, but only in the 'key' copies thatwere held by the writers themselves. We see examples of the same kind of thinghappening with other information that existed earlier, but that was 'released' orgiven out at a later date. And so it is not surprising at all that this is what wouldhappen here as well. At the time that the New Testament was written, it was not'safe' to give out the Chapter and Verse numbers. But at a much later date, itwould not only be 'safe' to, but it would also serve a purpose... to make peoplethink that they did not exist originally. We will look further into just who RobertStephanus was and how he was related to (or descended from) the royals as wellas more about Stephan Langton. Please get our books for more info on this. Wefeel that once persons understand how power was kept by royals and how theywere inter-related and had the same common ancestors, that what we are sayingwill be better understood.

In our books, we will give genealogical information on the royals and the Popesand you will actually be able to 'see' how they all had vested interests in preservingthis secret that was so 'precious' to them. It is in fact, what allowed them to bewho and what they were and to live the lavish lifestyles that they did. In short, itwas a carefully run "business". And still is.

The True Meaning of '666'

[ 12/01/99 ](The True Meaning of '666' and the proof that this is the truth)===================================================
(An Online Article for Edification. Please share this info with others.)

There were three main alpha/numeric systems in use at thetime when the New Testament was being written - Hebrew, Latin(Roman Numerals), and Greek. Until about the year 80 CE, theGreek system consisted of only an old initial system. ArriusPiso (Josephus) developed a 'new' Greek system and incorporatedit into the New Testament.

For the sake of definition, we will call these three main Piso Numbersystems simply the 'Alpha/Numeric' system (meaning that this isone system incorporating three different main languages and theirnumber equivalents).

Flavius Josephus (aka Arrius Piso) hints at the use of what he calls"triangular numbers". He is also the 'mathematician' circa 100 CEcalled 'Nicomachus'. This 'Nicomachus of Garasa' was Josephus/ArriusPiso, because 'Nico' is 'Victor' or 'Winner', and 'Machus' means'of the battle' ( of Garasa ).

Reading Josephus, one finds that Josephus was a Roman General atthe battle of Garasa in 66 CE So, Josephus was 'Nicomachus' ( thevictor of the battle ) of Garasa. Also, in 'history', Josephus is the firstperson to mention Garasa.

These numbers and their meanings are preserved for us inmany of the books of the day, all one must do is look. In this mainnumber system some of these numbers are what we term "main numbers"(which we call 'primary' or 'prime' numbers for short). While others arewhat we call "combined numbers". There are some numbers that servedas both. We will help you to understand the difference between thesetwo types by explaining why it is that we define them differently, andalso why the two types exist.

At present, there are 50 numbers in the main number system that wehave defined (not counting the "checking number/s" or "proof" number/sfor '666'). We do not know if more will be found, but this has been amonumental task. We know that much more work will be done on thisin the future. Of these 50 numbers, 27 are what we term 'prime' numbers.And there are 17 that have been found to be what we call 'combined'numbers. We have also found 6 numbers that act as both 'prime' and'combined' numbers. Again, this may change someday when more workis done on this subject. But the very fact that these numbers exist in thisway says that this was something that was deliberately done and it alsodemonstrates a purpose behind it. There is also a set of numbers that arewhat we call "small prime numbers", but those are not included in thismain system as they act differently than these do and so constituteanother different system (which we call the "Small Prime NumberSystem"). Please read our "Concluding Notes" at the end of this article.

Bear in mind that there were other number systems in addition tothese three main ones which are based on the Greek, Latin (Roman),and Hebrew languages. And that this is merely an article that waswritten for the express purpose of edifying the public to this. Thegreater details of this and other things related to the subject of theRoman Piso family authoring the New Testament can be found inour books.

In this article, we will not give ALL of the numbers or all of themeanings of those numbers, but instead, just a few of those so thatpersons may get an idea of what these numbers meant and what theusage of these were. We are especially proud to be able to bring youthe full true meaning of '666', which, you WILL find listed here.

Please share this information about the true meaning of '666' withas many others as you can. They do deserve to know about it.
8 - Small 80, 'P' ( in Greek ) for 'Piso'. Also, 'H' as acrostic initial for'Horus'. '8' is 'H', but why 'H'? Unless 'H' stands for another nameafter 'J' for 'Jesus'. That would seem to be 'Horus' when we considerthe comparison of 'Jesus' to 'Horus'. However, even more likely, in thepassage where this is referenced if one goes to the alpha/numeric chartthey will see that '8' is also 'P' (the acrostic initial for 'Piso'). That isreally what '8' stood for. Ref. The apocryphal book of 'Barnabas',Chap. VIII, Verse 12. (See 'Lost Books of the Bible', pg. 154, publishedby Bell Publishing Co., NY, NY).

10 - Was 'I' ('J') for 'Jesus' in initial system, or 'K' for 'Kalpournios' in thesequence system. Ref. The apocryphal book of 'Barnabas', Chap. VIII,Verse 12. (See 'Lost Books of the Bible', pg. 154, published by BellPublishing Co., NY, NY).

18 - In the Apocryphal book 'Barnabas' 18:12, '18' is 10 & 8 ('Jesus/Piso'!).18 is also the Pythagorean 666 (6+6+6=18). Ref. The apocryphal book of'Barnabas', Chap. VIII, Verse 12. (See 'Lost Books of the Bible', pg. 154,published by Bell Publishing Co., NY, NY).
27 - 'Pliny' ('Plinios'), in Greek small numbers, honoring 'Pliny the Younger'.Ref. 'The True Authorship of the New Testament', Abelard Reuchlin, pg. 8.

30 - 'Jesus/Flavius' by sequence system, and the total of the name 'Flaviusin Greek small numbers. Ref. 'The True Authorship of the New Testament',Abelard Reuchlin, pg. 8.
36 - The number total of the original spelling of 'Josephus' as 'Josepos' inGreek as demonstrated various times throughout the works of FlaviusJosephus (Ref. 'Josephus', Jewish War, Book V, Chap. XIII, Verse III.Loeb Classical Library Edition), in Greek small numbers. See 'Footnotes'below. Ref. 'The True Authorship of the New Testament', Abelard Reuchlin,pg. 8.
66 - The 'Xi' and 'Bau' of the 'Chi', 'Xi', 'Bau' from 666. 'Flavius Josepos'(Flaouios Iosepos), which is 30 + 36 (sm. num). Ref. 'The True Authorshipof the New Testament', Abelard Reuchlin, pg. 9.
99 - Honor to Pliny the Younger as the total of his full name;'Gaios Kaikilios Sekoundos Plinious', in Greek small numbers. Inthe New Testament, the word 'Amen' was used to honor Pliny theYounger, because it too totaled 99. What Christian knows that theyhonor Pliny the Younger every time they use the word 'Amen'? None.But we do. Ref. 'The True Authorship of the New Testament',Abelard Reuchlin, pg. 9.

100 - 'K.P.' by Greek initial system. Also 'C' for 'Calpurnius' in Latininitial system. Ref. 'The True Authorship of the New Testament', AbelardReuchlin, pg. 10. Ref. Suetonius, 'The Twelve Caesars', pg. 104 (under'Augustus'); "...the (acrostic) initial letter of his name..." and also, "..."C" being the Roman numeral (for) 100." (keyed to the Penguin Classicsedition, Penguin Books).
300 - Stood for 'T', which represented the cross. Ref. 'The General Epistleof Barnabas', (the Apocryphal New Testament), Chap. VIII, Verses 10-14.

600 - The 'X' or 'Chi' (Kai) of 'Chi', 'Xi', 'Bau' (600, 60, 6). 600 is thenumerical value of the initial 'X' which is 'Ch' in English and stands for'Christ'. It is the first letter of the name 'Christ' in Greek, and thereforeis an acrostic initial for 'Christ'. Ref. 'The True Authorship of the NewTestament', Abelard Reuchlin, pg. 10.

616 - When the Church was deciding whether or not to continue toinclude 'Revelations' into the Christian canon (because of 666,its checking number, and other allusions), they opted to try tochange 666 to 616 in the manuscripts so as to throw off thechecking system and yet still honor Christ/Piso (600 = 'Christ',16 = 'Piso'). See 'Council of Nicaea in Bithynia (c. 325 CE). Ref. 'TheTrue Authorship of the New Testament', Abelard Reuchlin, pg. 10.

666 - When Julius Piso wrote 'The Revelation' and gave the number 666,( He was pointing to his dad, who uses 666 once in his writings as'Josephus' ), he put in a "checking number" ("proof number") that wouldbe the total of the names 'Jesus' & 'Christ'. This is how he did it. He madethe total of the entire last phrase of Rev. 13:18 add up to the "checkingnumber", which was 2,368. Because we feel that this is of the utmostimportance for everyone to know, we will also quote from Reuchlin'sbooklet so that you will have the rest of the confirming information aboutthis to work with (towards the end of this explanation of the meaning of'666').

The total of the checking number was from the Greek initialsystem, and so was the entire last phrase of Rev. 13:18, exceptfor ... 666! Because it was not only a part of the total, butalso a separate number unto itself. 666 wasn't written out as itcould have been written, in the form of words like '144,000'was; as "Six Hundred, Sixty-Six".

No, it was written in the form of three letters with numericalvalues! Those letters are, 'Chi', 'Xi', 'Bau'. 'Chi' stands for'Christ' and has a numerical value of 600. The other part of 666was 'Xi' and 'Bau'. This was 66 in small numbers. 66 was thetotal of the name 'Flavius Josephus' (Josepos) in small numbers.(See the Footnotes at the end of the article for examples of where'Josephus' is spelled 'Josepos')

What 666 is, is "Christ/Flavius Josephus" or "Christ (Jesus)'was' Flavius Josephus!" Arrius Piso himself, writing asJosephus, uses the number 666 to denote himself when saying how'gold' was given to King Solomon. He says; '666' talents of'gold'. "'Gold" meaning "Flavius" (Ref. 'Josephus', 'Ant. of theJews', Chap. 7, verse 2). He was hinting at his descent fromKing Solomon through King David, as he does in Matthew 1:6, whenhe plays Jesus! And, he was saying that "666" was "gold" (i.e.,"Flavius"), and therefore HIS number.

Also, the '36' (in the '66' part of '666'), which is "Josepos"(Josephus) cumulates (by the Cumulative Number System) into'666'! So, '666' is '36', i.e., "Josepos" (Josephus)! This is the lastnail in the coffin of Christianity - as it indeed now has been provenfalse! It ALL points to 'Piso'! Now, here is what Abelard Reuchlinhas to say about '666';

"The Pisos used the numbers all through the NT - in various ways,again and again. Piso teased that even "the very hairs of your head areall numbered!" (Mat. 10:30) There was were no copyright laws then,and their use of code was like copyrighting their work. That way, nofuture authors could steal the honor (sic) which they wished for theirmemories forever, by claiming, even secretly, that the great work wastheirs."

"But then, Piso's oldest living son, Julius (who was John as a little boyin the Synoptic Gospels), became angry at the family. As Julius Severus,he had just destroyed Bar Cochbah in the year which is now 135 CE (AD).But instead of rewarding him, his surviving brother Justus and Justus'friend Emperor Hadrian, who was under his thumb, had named sisterClaudia's son Antoninus to succeed Hadrian. Julius felt his own grandsonshould have been chosen successor instead. (Ref. Dio Cassius, LXIX.17(1),which is volume 8, pg. 455, Loeb edition). But Hadrian even specified thathis two own young kinsmen should be emperors after Antoninus!"

"So in 136-137 Julius retaliated by writing Revelation, and in it turningthe number code against the family. He ridicules Pliny, who was number27, by making the beast in Revelation 13:1 (14 and therefore his ownfather!) have 10 horns, 7 heads, and 10 diadems (crowns), which total 27.He makes his own dead father into the dragon, who acts 42 months(Matthew 1:17; 3x14, that is Jesus) in Revelation 13:5. The seven angelshave seven plagues (a total of 14!) in Revelation 15:6."

"He is most vicious toward his father in Revelation 13:18 by saying thenumber of the beast was 666. 600 (which was Xpistos by the initial system)plus 66 (Flaouios Josepos) by small numbering). That is, daddy and hiscreation, Christ! Some ancient manuscripts have this as 616, but the resultis the same. For 16 is P by the sequence system, and P stood for Piso. So616 is Piso plus Christ!"

"In that same verse, Julius derides his father yet another way. That involveda forth Greek numerical code system: regular (not "small") numbering inwords and entire phrases. The total of the phrase introducing the number ofthe beast ("and his number is") was made to be 1,702 in regular numbering,so that when 666 was added to it, the total was 2,368; and that was the sameidentical total, also in regular numbering, of the names Jesus Christ. Eachwas 2,368." (Also refer to 'City of Revelation', John Michel, Ballantine Books,NY, 1972, page 163)

And, don't forget the direct and deliberate stipulation by Julius Piso in TheRevelation that "nothing be added or subtracted from this book" (ourparaphrase, and with "this book" meaning specifically The Revelation. Ref.22:18). But as we can see in the attempted change of the number 666 to 616,later generations of his family tried various ways and means with which tohide the proof that Julius Piso left for us in The Revelation including puttingit into other languages instead of the original Greek. Yet, here it is... TheRevelation. The book that is the ending of the story, really IS the ending ofthe story!!!

I would suggest for anyone who really wants to know about this in depth thatthey get a copy of Reuchlin's booklet and whatever other books on thissubject that you can find.
888 - "Jesus" in Greek initial system (IHSOUS). This was part of the "checkingnumber" or "proof number" for '666'. Ref. 'The True Authorship of the NewTestament', Abelard Reuchlin, pg. 11.

1000 - 'Ch' (Chi) is the acrostic initial for 'Christ' in the 'old' initial system(Greek), which was in use even before Piso made his number system.1000 was used sometimes in lieu of the actual name 'Christ' so as to keep themeanings hidden (sacred, hallowed), in 'Revelations'. See the Latin numberchart.

2368 - The 'checking number' for 666, which by Pythagorean math principles,adds up to '19' ( 2 + 3 + 6 + 8 = 19 ). That's the name "Piso" in the Greek smallnumber system! This is proof on top of proof! Far too much to be merelycoincidence and this should be clear to just about everyone.


Why did they use code? They had to use code. As AbelardReuchlin says; "The Pisos, through Imperial power, were using thenew faith deliberately as their instrument of control of themasses. Writing of this openly would have brought Rome's swiftvengeance and the destruction of the Jewish people." Through theGospels, epistles, and 'history', the Pisos and their relativesre-created the environment of the Roman Empire. They advised themasses to be humble and to respect authority (their ownsynthesized and ill gotten authority). They advised servants(slaves) to be subject to their masters (Peter 1, 2:18), nomatter how they were treated! For, 'their' reward was waitingfor them in heaven (Matt. 6:20). Later, when the family tried toomit 'Revelations' from the canon, Eusebius (Julius ConstantiusConstantine's half-brother), tried to throw you off the trail by sayingsomething similar to - "I guess Christians put a mention ofChrist in Josephus." They were descendants of Piso, coming downthe line through Marcus Aurelius. Julius Constantius took the'nomes de plume' of 'Eusebius' (Ref. Works of Abelard Reuchlin).

Suetonius, in his "Twelve Caesars", writes that the Caesars wrote in'cipher' (i.e., 'code'). He writes about the ciphers used and the lettersinvented by them: Julius Caesar, under 'Julius Caesar', pg. 34-35.Augustus Caesar, under 'Augustus', pg. 98. Claudius under 'Claudius',pg. 205. (pages keyed to the Penguin Classics edition, translated byRobert Graves, Penguin Books - paperback edition).

A few examples of where Flavius Josephus spells his name 'Josepos':[keyed to Whiston's translation into English. However, in order to see/read this you must have this in the Greek. It can be found in the LoebClassical Library volumes]

(1) Wars of the Jews (at Whiston, page 574), Book V, Chap. XIII,Verse III. "...Josepos was taken up, ..."
(2) Wars of the Jews (at Whiston, page 569), Book VI, Chap. II, VerseI. "...Josepos said thus, ..."

(1) (Large, Small, and Sequence). Greek-English New TestamentLexicon, 'The Interlinear Greek-English New Testament', GeorgeRicker Berry, Zondervan Publishing, Grand Rapids, Mich.(2) (Initial, and Sequence). 'The Secret Teachings of AllAges', Manley P. Hall, pg. LXV ff., 1975.(3) (Large, Small, and Initial). Encyclopedia Americana, 1962,'N' (for 'Numerals').(4) (Old Initial). Universal Standard Encyclopedia, vol. 17,'N' (for 'Numerals'), pg. 6234, Unicorn Pub., 1954.
(1) (Initial). Universal Standard Encyclopedia.(2) (Sequence, and Initial). Encyclopedia Americana.
(1) (Large, and Small). 'The Secret Teachings of All Ages',Manley P. Hall. Also, Zohar & Zolar.(2) "Celtic Druids", by Higgins.
Suetonius; 'The Twelve Caesars', Nero #39. 'The Ante-NiceneFathers'; Vol. 1, 'The General Epistle of Barnabas'. 'The LostBooks of the Bible'; 'Barnabas', Chap. 8:9-14. Plutarch'sMoralia; Vol. 8, 'Table Talk' V (Loeb Classical Edition), pg.673. 'Isaac Asimov's Guide to the Bible', 1981 Edition, Avenel.'Book of Popular Science', Grolier 1960, Vol. 1, pg. 235-241.'The Bible as Literature' - The New Testament, Barnes & NobleCollege Outline Series, B.B. Trawick, 1968 (Second Edition).'The Literature of the New Testament', Ernest F. Scott, ColumbiaUniv. Press, 1936. 'Number Words and Number Symbols', Karl W.Menninger. 'Numbers: Their History & Meaning', Graham Flegg.'Pythagorean Library', Kenneth S. Guthrie, Platonist Press, 1920.'Number Theory and its History', Oystein Ore, Mcgraw-Hill, 1948,page 28. Suetonius; 'The Twelve Caesars', Augustus #97. 'TheSacred Books of the Jews', Harry Gersh, 1968, Stein and DayPublishing, pg. 212. 'The Story of Civilization' (The Life ofGreece), Will Durant, 1939, Simon and Schuster, N.Y. pg. 627.

"Several place names are mentioned, and the heading gives a dateof the seventh year of Hadrian, i.e., AD 124. These, and otherGreek documents are all on papyrus, but some are on skin and giveadministrative registers, civil and military. Jewish names likeJosephus, Jesus, Saulus (Paul), and Simon appear, followed bynumbers and signs."- John Allegro
('The Mystery of the Dead Sea Scrolls Revealed')


(Specific Items in History Related to the Synthesis of Christianity)
[The Roman Piso Forum, 02/22/2000]

(1) Emperors were NOT made of common persons. They were in fact all of royal families regardless of what "history" tries or attempts to make the reader believe. This is because of the 'controlled' environment that existed at the time, which is also listed and explained.

(2) As such, there were no "dynasties" as we have been led to think of them. All Roman rulers were inter-related. There were 'branches' of the same family that switched off or took turns ruling so that it appeared that anyone could become emperor, etc. In other words, a deliberate 'facade' was created and maintained for specific purposes.

(3) All religious leaders were closely related to royalty and of royal houses, such as Popes, 'saints' and church writers, as well as 'historians'. No one was allowed to write for the public except royals and their close relatives. This was because it was a dangerous thing for royalty to allow freedom of speech to the common people. If the common person was allowed to speak freely to the masses and they somehow found out or deduced the situation, that would threaten the whole system that was in place and that had been in place for thousands of years.

(4) They all (rulers, writers, etc.) made use of alias names in order to hide their true identities and to be able to give all of the information about themselves and their families, ancestors, etc. that they wanted to and still not let the cat out of the bag. They made it so that we would have to deduce the truth from what they left. They made us (they thought) dependent upon THEM and what they wrote in order to find out and 'confirm' the truth to the degree that THEY allowed us to. This, is what they refer to as the 'Grace' of god. (sic) However, they could not know that we would later have other means in which to make determinations regarding this - and we will discuss that later.

(5) They made use of a wide variety of methods and means in which to control and manipulate the masses. Persons usually refer to this subject as the 'Pisonian Conspiracy', which is NOT a title that we gave this - but rather what the ancient 'historian' Tacitus called it. The Pisos happened to be behind the composition of the New Testament, but the Pisos were not alone in this. In reality, this was simply an effort on the part of all royals who wanted to preserve and continue the practice of slavery. At the time, there were several royal houses at odds with each other over this issue and a long all-out war resulted. The New Testament was simply a 'solution' for the royals who wanted to retain the practice of slavery as well as to increase their power and control over the masses via ideologies given out in the New Testament in rhetorical form. They made full use of all that they had put into the New Testament.

(6) They kept their own private records or archives as to the truth behind all of the works that each particular family branch had written for public consumption. They refer to them in a number of ways, and it becomes evident that later writers made use of records from within their own family archives to create their later works from.

(7) They (the persons who wrote the New Testament, etc.) were able to do these things because of the pre-existing mechanism or system of control over the masses which we call "the closed environment", but which is also known as a "controlled" environment. Which simply stated means that ONLY royals could write works for public consumption - and even then only with permission and approval of a royal counsel. There were NO common persons with the ability to communicate with the masses at large. No freedom of speech. Everything that was written of for the masses were carefully conceived, created, approved of by royalty and had motives behind them for being written.

(8) The main reasons for the New Testament being written was a) as a means by which to preserve and continue the practice of slavery and b) to disseminate rhetorical ideologies to the masses that would make them more easy to control and manipulate. And, c) to be a 'universal' or 'catholic' religion so as to extend their power and control over the masses to other conquered countries and to more easily conquer other countries.

They aimed at conquering India for example, which they never really did despite their efforts to do so. They were ALWAYS aiming at extending Roman boundaries.

(9) There was a long all-out war going on between royal houses over the issue of slavery before and as the New Testament was being written. At several points the Romans could very well have LOST the war* and they (the Romans and their allies) were in desperate need for more and better means with which to a) put down revolt of the slaves themselves and make them complacent and as 'content' as possible in their situation - even going as far as to offer them (in the NT) life after death and a 'reward' in heaven. b) They needed to make their own military stronger, loyal, and braver, as well as filled with HATE for the enemy; "the Jews." c) They needed to offer the same 'life after death' to their own soldiers so that they would not be afraid to die in battle. And, d) they needed a means by which to console the widows and other relatives of soldiers who would fall or die in battle (as well as 'hope' for the crippled, etc.). All of this was done via the rhetoric and ideology that they placed into the New Testament. And, e) they could NEVER let the masses know that they, the ROMAN royalty manufactured this great lie - so they HAD to appear to be either indifferent and/or non-approving of it (the Christian religion and Christians). The only way that you would ever know that it was them was in knowing all of the facts that they had hidden - because those facts reveal their motives, and that is when the truth is finally discovered. An example that stands out is Pliny the Younger's epistles to the emperor Trajan regarding his 'questions' as to what to do about or with those claiming to be 'Christians'. This is magnificent rhetoric. He ends up, a) advertising the religion, b) making Christians appear to be 'martyrs', and c) effectively hiding the fact that they (the Romans) actually 'created' the religion!

(10) The 'historians'. These are the persons who wrote the works that we depend upon to tell us what happened. Yet, we have discovered that they a) were NOT who they led us to believe they were, and b) they deliberately mislead us and lied to us in order to hide the truth. Only the royals and their close relatives were allowed to write public works, and THEY are the ONLY ones that are referred to in 'history' when they spoke of peoples or sects. The common person was not worthy of mention in history except in general groups such as 'legions' or such and then nearly always, if not always, in order to 'glorify' or otherwise refer to the leaders of those legions, etc.

(11) One of the most important things to know in order for a person to work their way through the maze or 'puzzle' of ancient history in New Testament times is to know just who the 'Jews' were at any given time and place. This means knowing all about each of the sects in the most specific detail and to do this one must do a lot of reading and deducing. However, once this IS known, one is then able to discover so much more than before. The 'historians' played the 'shell game' when it came to the 'Jews'. They often refer to them in general terms and hardly ever make distinctions about just WHICH sect of the Jews they are speaking of at any given time. This means that one must use all available facts in order to deduce that and make the distinctions for themselves. We explain in our findings just who the 'Jews' were at any given time and place. And this will definitely help future researchers.

(12) *Yes, as mentioned, the Romans came close several times to losing the war. There were several very important factors that could have well meant that the outcome may have been different. One of those things was that Nero had executed Gaius Piso and others who were allied to their cause. Before Nero, Claudius had also executed a number of the Pisos and their allies. But Arrius Piso and others of the Piso family were left along with many of their allies. Then, as a Roman general Arrius Piso was very nearly captured and/or killed many times when he came to the Temple and various meetings with the Pharisees for the purpose of trying to persuade them to go along with him and his allies to change over to his new religion. He could have been easily killed then and that would have probably been the end of that part of the war and much of the later escalation of the war may not have ever happened.

In addition to this, Arrius Piso was nearly killed when his horse fell on him. It did not kill him, but it did crush his leg and made him 'lame' in that one leg. The extent of his injury and recovery is not known for certain at this time. Then, at the Pass of Beth Horon, he was ambushed by his Jewish enemies (the Pharisees) and was nearly caught and killed there. He was truly the cat with nine lives! In every battle that he was in, HE was the 'prize' that was sought by his enemies. It was known to his enemies that it was vital to stop him from ever doing what he had planned to do - and that was to enslave all of humanity other than royals into a perpetual ignorance and to 'dumb' down the common persons with rhetoric so as to enslave them with rhetorical ideologies.

(13) Genetic Testing. This is what we think will be the final indisputable proof regarding this. As we stated, the authors of 'history' claimed to be persons other than who they really were and the same was true of those who were emperors (as well as both earlier and later royalty). We also said that 'saints' were close relatives of these same persons. These things can be verified now with genetic testing. In fact, we are certain that in time, enough of this sort of evidence will be compiled to show just how accurate our reconstructed genealogy of these persons really are - and we are very anxious to see this! Because we have followed various 'rules' in order to reconstruct their family tress, 'rules' that were made and left by those very persons! For instance, they left hints and clues to follow in order to find the facts that would help a person to make those reconstructions. One instance comes to mind and that is of the emperor Constantine's claims of descent from 'Claudius'. He means, of course, the emperor Claudius II 'Gothicus'. We have examined this in very fine detail and have concluded that this was only possible in ONE way. And because that is the case, that IS his actual and true descent from Claudius II 'Gothicus'.

However, to find that line of descent a vast knowledge of many things that may otherwise seem unrelated must be known. And, you have to know the line of descent of Claudius II Gothicus as well. This is not at all 'easy' and it IS very easy to make mistakes when reconstructing these lines of descent. It was made difficult on purpose. Bear in mind that these persons did not have to work for a living, they did not have television and had little else to do but to make these 'amusements' for themselves and their other royal relatives. Being an ancient author was like being 'in' on a long, long standing perpetually running 'inside joke'. And it was treated seriously and as a 'duty', but one that the authors could not help but have 'fun' with as they created their works.


ABOUT JOSEPHUS' MENTION OF "JESUS" 06-20-98(and other NT characters)

The purpose of demonstrating that Josephus did indeed write "Jesus" into hishistories (or his histories around the Jesus character), is to show the deceptionin the proper context. Josephus created "Jesus" and needed to insert him into'history' to make his 'story' more believable. The facts that will be shown herewill bear this out. In addition to the proofs shown here, there is also furtherproof in the form of correlation's in the works of Josephus that correspond tothe NT texts, themes/subjects, and characters.

The references that will be given are keyed to Whiston's English translation ofJosephus, for the reason that it is one of the most widely available and mosteasily accessible. It can even be found on-line. However, the research of theworks of Josephus was not limited at all to Whiston's work, but come fromdirect readings of the earliest available copies of text in the Greek language.Note that the Whiston references are given in two ways;
(1) by the actual pagenumber, and
(2) by the exact place in the text by giving 'book', 'chapter', and'verse' numbers.

Now, some say that "Jesus, the Christ" was a later interpolation or addition to thetexts of Josephus. I wholly disagree and doubt this seriously for the followingreasons.

(1) He makes this mention in his other works as well (examples will beshown later in this text).

(2) He DID have reason to write a mention or two of"Jesus" for the purpose of 'historicizing' him (as he, Josephus, created HIM).

(3) Granted there may have been a copy or two without the "Jesus" referencein it; it is much easier to 'remove' the mention, than it would have been to 'add'it. There could be any number of reasons why there might be a copy that existswithout the reference... perhaps a 'Jewish' one, a work copy (copy to 'work'from), etc. Or such a copy could have been deliberately made for the Kimchi*logists to see and draw 'logical' conclusions from (i.e. deliberately made by thechurch or ally of the church to lead suspicion away from Josephus because ofhis mention of "Jesus").

(4) It is not only "Jesus" that is historicized, but otherfictional characters as well, such as "John the Baptist" and "James, the brotherof Jesus" (or was that just to make another mention of "Jesus"?). That ALL ofthese characters and mentions were added, is extremely doubtful. As a matter of fact, after considering all that is going to be shown here, one would have to reach the conclusion that the entire work of Josephus would have had to have been re-written in order to pull off the addition of the mention of "Jesus".(See pg. 382, for "John the Baptist" and pg. 423 for "James, the bro. of Jesus.")

(1) That Josephus wrote such a massive work and that this work was in fact carefully written and so very detailed, indicates that Josephus DID have much to say and that he really DID want to 'say' it... to the point that he must have thought it to be of great importance.

(2) That he deliberately writes things inways to mislead and wrote things (items) that would mislead and deceive,indicates that we cannot believe or take his work at face value; but rather thatwe must use it very carefully as a guide to the truth as it does contain truth, in a 'disguised' form.

So, knowing this, where does this leave us? It leaves us in the position of beingobligated to view his writings with a much more critical eye. It forces us to WORKto find meanings that might otherwise go unnoticed.

In the time in which the NT and the works of Josephus were written, it was muchlike the entire known world were being run by the mob; with very little or no hopeof direct truth in anything that was written... for all of it had ulterior motives behindthem, and the idea of all men being equal and free, as well as the concept of freespeech was still a very far-off goal for humanity. For an idea of this, see the actionsof King Herod upon his impending death... he acted like the 'Don' of the Mob.(See pg. 365, Antiquities of the Jews, Book XVII, Chapter VI, 5.)

Here now we will show the several mentions that would have had to have beenadded throughout the texts.

"Now, there was about this time, Jesus, as wise man..." "He was (the) Christ...""and the tribe of Christians, so named from him, are not extinct at this day."(See pg. 379, Antiq. of the Jews, Book XVIII, Ch. III, 3)

The mention of "John the Baptist" on page 382 (Ant. B. XVIII, Ch. V, 2).And, this indirect mention of "Christ" by speaking of his 'brother'..."and brought before them the brother of Jesus, who was called Christ,"(pg. 423, Ant. B. XX, Ch. IX, 1)

There are also those places where he, Josephus, makes it so easy for those who are not scholars (which in his day, was the entire public excepting for aristocrats and royalty), and those who think themselves to be, to think that he could possibly be referring to "Jesus" when he says things like "a certainGalilean." (pg. 481, Wars of the Jews, B. II, Ch. XII, 3) and also...
"...in order to avenge themselves upon one Galilean only." (pg. 482, Wars of the Jews, B. II, Ch. XII, 5). Note that in both instances, "the Galilean" beingspoken of is "Judas of Galilee."
He, Josephus, speaks of others named "Jesus," mostly those known to us asHigh Priest ancestors of Josephus himself. This being the case, makes a greatstatement to those who know what is being said here. (See other info on theancient royal practice of inheriting names and titles from ancestors) We callthis "inherited name/titles." By which, royals and aristocrats could legallyuse 'alias' names to write under and other names to use invent characters with.

An example of the legal use of inherited name/titles and how when decreed bythe Senate, such names and titles could be used even by the person's posterity,see the footnote on Claudius' (Drusus' son) use of the name "Germanicus", onpage 406, Whiston (at the bottom of the page). Also refer to Suetonius, which iswhat the footnote refers to.

Yes, even though speaking of others named "Jesus," he is well aware of theopportunities that this affords him (Josephus) as the writer. And he made themost of this by making this powerful statement; "Thus spake Jesus"... eventhough, this was another "Jesus" who was being spoken of! (pg. 532, W. of theJews, B. IV, Ch. IV, 4).

As we had said, he makes other references in other places that point to him asdeliberately writing "Jesus" into his works for a specific purpose. He makesjoking statements here and there, and he also makes 'disclaimers' subtlythroughout his works. In "Against Apion" he subtly refers to himself as an'actor'. Though some may say that OUR readings are taken out of context, I begto differ in consideration of the rest of the evidence. IF we were just relying uponthose things that would otherwise appear to have been taken by us as "out ofcontext," there might be a case. However, we have only sought to see more ofwhat Josephus himself was deliberately inserting HIMSELF in other contexts.Which, is an entirely different thing. As we were saying, about "Josephus, theActor," he writes, "I wrote it as having been an actor myself." And because hewas! (Against Apion, pg. 610)

In "Against Apion," Josephus uses a name nowhere else ever seen, and notrepeated except for its one-time usage; "Cresus." Which, is a combination of"Christ" and "Jesus." It could be a deliberate misspelling (as he is famous fordoing), of an ancient Greek King, which, I think he also deliberately hints at.(pg. 628, Against Apion, B. II, 12). Note that with this spelling only a "t" insertedrightly would produce "Crestus." Also see Suetonius' mention of "Chrestus,"and our info on their ancestor "Mitheridates Chrestas."**

He uses phrases associated with Jesus throughout his works. "...the light of theworld." (pg. 637, an Excerpt from Josephus' Discourse... concerning Hades).Herein, he also speaks of "Christ." Example: "... in order to fulfill the will of hisfather, shall come as judge, whom we call Christ." (pg. 638, Whiston).

As if this were not enough to prove beyond all reasonable doubt that Josephusdid indeed originally make mention of "Jesus" and even that he had done sofor specific purpose, there is still the citations in the Appendix of Whiston'sJosephus (pg. 639). In this section, we have the writer Origen circa 230 CEspecifically stating that Josephus wrote what he did originally about "Jesus,who was called Christ." And again, also in "Contra Celsus, about 250 CE,Josephus is mentioned by name as having mentioned all of those who we haverelated (John the Baptist, James the brother of Jesus, and "Jesus, who wascalled Christ"). Eusebius, circa 324 CE also confirms this. And on and on, upthrough history till about 1480 CE.

For more information on the background of Josephus, see the article titled"Josephus' Deliberate Deception" which is the other half of this article.For reference regarding the Greek texts, see the Loeb Classical Libraryvolumes. These are very expensive and may not be purchased by mostpersons in their entirety, and may only be available by finding such as localcollege libraries or other large scholarly institutions. Again, these are thebest references for Josephus as they also show the misspellings that wereoriginally in place and were reconstructed with the aid of many fragmentsof still extant ancient papyri texts and other archaeological finds.

*Kimchi logists: for more on these see Medieval Jewish Scholars and Rabbis.We will have more information on Kimchi available at a later date.
**Mitheridates Chrestas. We will show relationship to this person in laterstemma charts and genealogies. Mitheridates Chrestas as ancestor of Nerowas shown previously on our website and may be found by even amateurgenealogists with some effort and good resources.


(Writen 12/08/99, updated 07/15/00)

In order to discover the alias names or alternate names that were used by the Roman figureswho hitherto have only been known to us by their public names one must search out allpossible leads, leaving no stone unturned.

Let's begin this with info from "The True Authorship of the New Testament," by AbelardReuchlin. In it, Reuchlin states; "The family also put their friends into the story. Justus(Piso) inserted Cornelius Tacitus, the Roman historian. He became Cornelius, the Romancenturion in Acts, Chapter 10, who was devout and feared God; and he was also (Cornutus)Tertullus, the prosecuting attorney against Paul in Acts 24:1-2. Tacitus reciprocated bydedicating his 'Diologues on Oratory' shortly after the year 100 to "dear Fabius Justus"."This, on page 14 of Reuchlin's booklet.

Reuchlin further states (on pg. 17); "Now the family had other writers place Jesus andChristianity in prior history. First, the Pisos used their friend Cornelius Palma, the jurist.Writing under the name Cornelius Tacitus between 115 and 120, he mentioned Christ andsaid that he had founded the Christians and had been crucified by Pontius Pilate; and alsodetailed that Nero had caused Christians to be torn by dogs and burned on crosses." (Ref.Tacitus, Annals, XV.44, Loeb Classical Library edition)
Reuchlin so claims to have found Cornelius Tacitus as "Cornutus Tertullus" and "CorneliusPalma, the jurist." It is also Reuchlin who is credited (by us here) for discovering Tacitus'other identity as "Neratius Priscus."

Now as for Cornelius Tacitus as Neratius Priscus, it may well have been that the late Romanhistory scholar Ronald Syme knew of this and several other items relating to the truth aboutancient Roman history. Syme is a major source for the critical examination of these namesand personages, because of his extensive work in this area. (See his articles in JRS - TheJournal for Roman Studies)

Syme says in his article "Tacitus: Some Sources of his Information",* that; "The case of thejurist Neratius Priscus is instructive, consul suffect in 97, the same year as Cornelius Tacitus."And this is precisely how one needs to work through these names and identities - carefullyfollowing EVERY clue.

One finds Cornelius Tacitus as Cornelius Palma, a jurist. And we see Neratius Priscus (alsoa jurist), as consul suffect in 97, the same year as Cornelius Tacitus! Persons who researchthese names need to consult lists of consuls (as well as other lists of compiled data), comparedates and events, titles and positions, names of relatives and even cross-reference material.
There most certainly are other names in Roman history of that time or near it that contain thenames "Cornelius" and "Priscus", but one must work through these names with caution. It islike following bread crumbs, a "trail" that was deliberately made to be like a great maze atthe same time! It indeed, is like a tangled web! Which brings up another point. Those whohave fancied themselves 'experts' in ancient history and who have been used to thinking ofRoman names in terms of first and last names will realize that thinking in that way is likeputting blinders on. You can never find out the truth by limiting your thinking in that way.As we are proving here, 'history' was not done in that way. It is a much more challengingthing that most have yet begun to imagine. Facades of that type were created deliberatelyto keep you from easily discovering the truth.

In Syme's article titled "People in Pliny,"** he says; "Proconsuls of Asia and of Africa arelikewise not much in evidence. Asia from 103/4 to 120/1 (the list is now complete) exhibitsonly two, viz. Cornelius Tacitus and Cornelius Priscus." So, here we see Tacitus again withthe same title, in the same place, at the same time... this time with another "Priscus" (whojust so happens to have the name "Cornelius" as well). As a person works through the mazeof names in this way, the evidence mounts and the likelihood of coincidence disappears. Bythe way, we also again see "Cornutus Tertullus" in association with "Cornelius Tacitus" and"Cornelius Priscus" in the footnote regarding these two in the same article. More informationshould be gained from further examination of this, including the list of proconsuls of Asiaand Africa of that time. It is by following such clues that we are able to finally piece togetherthe truth in ancient history and find out who was really whom.

Moreover, in the same article, we find our friend Neratius Priscus (now known to us as theperson who wrote 'history' as "Tacitus"), as the husband of Corellia Hispulla (See pg. 147).In addition to such overwhelming evidence as that which we find in following these clues,we continue to find (and disclose) even more.When one reads, for instance, "The Life of Hadrian," by Aelius Spartianus, one learns that(at least supposedly); "There was, to be sure, a widely prevailing belief that Trajan, with theapproval of many of his friends, had planned to appoint as his successor not Hadrian butNeratius Priscus, even to the extent of once saying to Priscus: "I entrust the provinces toyour care in case anything happens to me."

One would wonder just how it is that Trajan had thought to make Neratius Priscus (Tacitus)his successor. Well, having looked into this further by comparing the alias names of theemperor Nerva and those of Neratius Priscus, as well as doing more studies into the variousalias names used by other persons of the time the reality of the matter has now come tolight. "Neratius Priscus" is now seen as "Ner(va) Atius Priscus", and this along with otherfacts reveal that Neratius Priscus or the person that history knows as Tacitus was actuallyson of emperor Nerva. You may see this in the genealogical charts that give the true relation-ship between ALL of the Roman emperors Galba up to Constantine I.Now, if this does not warrant more attention to this issue - what would?

[Important: Before drawing any conclusions about alias names being used in ancient times byancient authors read the articles on that subject that are now available online at The RomanPiso Homepage. And most especially the article titled "Flavius Josephus was Arrius CalpurniusPiso". These are extremely important works.]
Ref. Tacitus, "Diologue on Oratory", Vol. 1, page 231, Loeb Classical Library edition.
* Ronald Syme, JRS (Journal for Roman Studies, a periodical), "Tacitus: Some Sourcesof his Information," 1982, pg. 68.
** Ronald Syme, JRS, "People in Pliny," 1968-69, pg. 141. (And pg. 147).
"The Life of Hadrian," Aelius Spartianus, Loeb Classical Library edition.
RE: Tacitus as "Cornelius Palma"; as Palma he was governor of Syria in 107, succeededas governor of Syria by Fabius Justus (Justus Piso) in 108 CE. Also as Palma, he is cos.II, in 109.
A merging of aliases: we find a mixing of the aliases of Tacitus blending two to makeeven another alias "Cornelius" of Cornelius Palma and "Priscus" of Neratius Priscus, tomake "Cornelius Priscus". Using this identity, he reports the death of Martial to Pliny theYounger. (See the works of Pliny the Younger, Loeb Classical Library edition)
For more information on specifics you will want to get a copy of the booklet titled 'TheTrue Authorship of the New Testament', by Abelard Reuchlin. You can send for this for $10.00 from: The Abelard Reuchlin Foundation, P.O. Box 5652, Kent, WA 98064 Theprice of this barely covers the cost of printing and postage. Because many libraries arerun by Christians and those who are adverse to anything that contradicts their own personalbeliefs, this booklet is in very few libraries at this point in time. This is strong informationand many persons wish to keep it out of the public eye. You can see a sample of a page fromthe booklet on this site:

Friday, June 09, 2006

The Illusion of Perpetual 'Need'

(The Roman Piso Forum, 02/14/2000)

If we humans only made use of our brains and gave some real thought to a few things,
so much would become clear to us and be within our control to manage and
make the best of - as it should be.

There is no real 'need' for life to be the struggle that it is. There is no real
need to work most of our lives just to survive and 'earn' a living. That is
something that we should have entitled ourselves to by this point in time.
And we do have the knowledge and technology to make it possible, if not
for us now, then for future generations at least. That wasted time and energy
could be used to the betterment and benefit of all of humanity, both present
and future.

In this article we are going to address the subject of needless suffering and
wasted resources. If we would only manage the population according to the
available resources, we would NEVER have to have shortages and prices
(demand) would NEVER have to increase. We should manage our (world)
resources by planning and portioning them out in a reasonable manner by
projecting far out into the future what the need will be. And this should be
done along with a plan to replenish, replace, and/or substitute those when
and as they are used.

But as long as pain, suffering, hunger and poverty exist, there will be the
perceived 'need' for the belief in a god or gods. And this is why we never
get to that point. These things are within our control to eliminate; they have
been prolonged and in some instances deliberately synthesized or created
just for the purpose of sustaining the perceived 'need' for belief in god.

When we realize that we are NOT dependant upon a god for these and
other perceived needs to be met and/or to get through tough times, we
discover that we have been deceived into believing so much that is not
true or even 'real'. We begin to understand how we have been taken
advantage of by those who are parasites upon humanity, who make great
wealth on the suffering of others and whose family business IS religion.

They have deceived us in so many ways that it is not at all funny. They
have left us with accumulated deceptions and deliberately synthesized
needs and perceived "needs". They created the illusion of evil in the
world and of the 'devil' and demons to the point that these have become
'real' to us in a sense, via our fears - which they also created and play off
of! The truth is that humanity IS basically "good". And like all other
animals strives to make the most of itself and to be the best that it can be,
and this, despite all of the difficulties that we are confronted with and/or
that are put in our way. The 'evil' that we think that we see around us in
everyday life is "self-created" (much like a self-fulfilled prophesy). It is
NOT 'real' in the sense that it is NOT innate.

Evil and/or crime is synthesized ideology. What makes this appear real
and become real to us is merely the power of 'suggestion'. If we are told
something over and over again, and 'think' that we actually see proof of
it, then we 'think' that it is 'real'. And if we are not able to tell for
ourselves what is truly real and what is in actuality 'synthesized reality',
we WILL believe what we perceive to be 'real' - whether or not it is.

Which brings up another subject that we will be discussing soon and
that is the issue of 'School Prayer'. Here we are distracted with this
issue, and in thinking that there are only TWO options here; 1) To teach
or not teach Evolution, and 2) to allow School Prayer in public schools.

When what we really need to be teaching is how to tell what is REAL.
This is the very basic thing. This is what we started out learning before
there was any history or rulers. We observed the certitudes of the world
around us and of ourselves. We should be teaching the certitudes of
reality and how to tell what is truly real and what is or may be suspect
or 'created' to deceive us. Again, as we have stated before, 'belief'
should be suspended until or unless it can be proven to be true. And if
enough evidence is shown that 'belief' was created deliberately for the
purpose of deceiving mankind, then it should be known to all and
classed as such.

Now as to the subject at hand, the conceptual idea of evil and crime
can ONLY exist when persons are divided against each other (either
consciously or subconsciously), and this, is NOT the natural state of

These persons who divided us, conquered us. They manipulated
humanity and gave us our very conceptual perception of 'reality', of
what is 'real' to us by synthesizing it for us, and they kept us from
knowing what true reality is. They kept this all in place and perpetuated
it very easily because they knew the power of suggestion and were in
seats of power over us continually. They gave us the very names that
we have, and the very words that we use - in short, our language. They
created all of this and in doing so they tricked us into thinking that it
was all 'normal'. When a REAL language would not have had words
in it that had more than one meaning. By making language in the ways
that they did, they allowed for the use of rhetoric - a dividing mechanism
which they used against humanity.

Many of the words and phrases that we know of and use today came to
us from THEM. They keep 'concepts' alive that we would have otherwise
overcome by now. Many persons use cliché's that were devised by them
as well and which help perpetuate the ignorance that allows us to continue
to be manipulated. As long as we remain ignorant of all of this and are not
able to determine for ourselves what is truly 'real' we will be at the mercy
of the descendants of those grand manipulators and will never be what we
were meant to be by nature. We can have so much, we can BE so much -
but first we must all know the truth in order to correct what has been done
to us and build a new world that can and does understand what is 'real'.



After having made Jesus, whom is the person, really the ONLY personwhom we associate ‘miracles’ with in the New Testament, the authorsand other close family members of the authors could not resist makingJesus over and over again. If Jesus is really supposed to have been‘unique’ and the only son of god, the one and only ‘messenger’ asrepresentative of his father, god; then how is it that so many otherslikewise have the same ability to work "miracles"?

The reason is of course, that this is indeed a fictional story that theauthors were in fact just having ‘fun’ with.

(1) Peter works miracles. This can be seen in Luke 5:18-26, 8:41-42, 49-56. Now, that ‘Peter’ is also working miracles in the NewTestament was not actually surprising to us as researchers and wasin fact expected by us because of the fact that we had already deducedthat ‘Peter’ was also being played by the same person who wasplaying Jesus in the New Testament, and that secretly, Peter was also Jesus.

This is because in the verse where Peter is given the ‘keys toheaven’, this was found to be another way of the author saying thathe was KEEPING the ‘keys’ to discovering the secret of what hewas doing - by secretly giving the ‘keys’ to himself! That is, in otherwords, keeping them! So, Peter is an alter-ego of Jesus in the storybecause he is another character being played by the same personthat was playing Jesus (Arrius Piso).

(2) Paul is also given the ability to work miracles in the NewTestament. He is made into another Jesus and he performs a miracleor two, and is also acknowledged as a "god". This is in Acts 28:3-6; "And when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks and laid them on thefire, there came a viper (snake)* out of the heat, and fastened (itself) on his hand. And when the barbarians (that were there) saw thevenomous** beast hang on his hand, they said among themselves, "no doubt this man is a murderer, whom though he had escaped thesea (inference is "by a miracle"), yet vengeance suffereth (him) notto live." And he (Paul) shook off the beast into the fire, and felt noharm. But (when) they were expecting him (Paul) to become inflamed(poisoned) and to fall down suddenly dead (he did not), but (rather) for a long time (when) they still expected to see this (yet they) sawnothing amiss (or adverse) happen to him, they changed theiropinion (of him) and said that he was a god."

* See the other stories about sticks turning into snakes, such as theone in the apocryphal "Infancy Gospel". ** This apparently refers to the cobra, which would have been thepoisonous snake, but which is indigenous to India. Perhaps this wasmeant to remind us of the fact that the Pharaohs used atop theircrowns the image of the cobra, which is NOT indigenous to Egypt, but to India. And also make note that the island that this supposedlytakes place on is called "Malita" (Malitae).

By the way, it has been found that the ‘travels of Paul’ were in factan attempt by the authors to ‘advertise’ or promote some of the mostfamous brothels of the time! The reason being is that the authorswere getting a ‘cut’ of the profits from those brothels and theproceeds were helping with the Roman war fund against the Jews.

This is why we are told specifically WHERE Paul has traveled andthat those places were famous for "filthy sensuality". This may bereferenced in the Oxford Encyclopedia Biblica (col. 3,615). And inthe work titled "The Rise, Decline & Fall of the Roman Religion(Christianity)", James Ballantyne Hannay, pub. 1925, pg. 109-110.

(3) Vespasian, the emperor in charge of the destruction of the Temple, is made an honorary "Jesus" as well. The historian Tacitus, in hisHistories (IV, 81, pg. 651-652), says;
"One of the common people of Alexandria, well-known for hisblindness, threw himself at the emperor’s knees and implored himwith groans to heal his infirmity. This he did by the advice of the godSerapis whom this nation, devoted as it is to many superstitions, worships more than any other divinity. He begged Vespasian that hewould deign to moisten his cheeks and eye-balls with his spittle.

Another with a diseased hand, at the counsel of the same god, prayedthat the limb might feel the print of Caesar’s foot. At first, Vespasianridiculed and repulsed them. They persisted; and he, though on the onehand he feared that scandal of the fruitless attempt, yet on the other, wasinduced by the entreaties of men and by the language of his flatterers tohope for success. At last, he ordered that the opinion of the physiciansshould be taken, as to whether such blindness and infirmity were withinreach of human skill. They discussed the matter from different pointsof view. "In the one case," they said, "the faculty of sight was notwholly destroyed and might return if the obstacles were removed; in theother case, the limb, which had fallen into a diseased condition, mightbe restored if a healing influence were applied; such, perhaps, mightbe the pleasure of the gods and the emperor might be chosen to be theminister of the divine will. At any rate, all the glory of a successfulremedy would be Caesar’s, while the ridicule of failure would fall onthe sufferers."

And so Vespasian, supposing that all things were possible to his goodfortune and that nothing was any longer past belief, with a joyfulcountenance amid the intense expectation of the multitude of bystanders, accomplished what was required. The hand was instantly restored to itsuse, and the light of day again shone upon the blind. Persons actuallypresent attest both facts, even now when nothing is to be gained byfalsehood."

And that, is the story of Vespasian performing miracles as if he wereJesus, according to Tacitus. However, Suetonius the historian, likewise, who was writing also about the same time or a little afterwards, alsomakes Vespasian an honorary Jesus by further confirming Tacitus’account of the "miracles of Vespasian"….

(4) Vespasian is further honored as another Jesus by Suetonius; "As he(Vespasian) sat on the tribunal, two laborers, one blind, the other lame, approached together, begging to be healed. Apparently, the god Serapishad promised them in a dream that if Vespasian would consent to spitin the blind man’s eyes, and touch the lame man’s leg with his heel, both would be made well.

Vespasian had so little faith in his curative powers that he showedgreat reluctance in doing as he was asked; but his friends persuadedhim to try them, in the presence of a large audience, too - and the charmworked."

Reference: Suetonius, "The Twelve
Caesars," Vespasian, Verse 7 (pg. 278-79); Penguin Classics,. The more exact reference is in Suetonius, "The Twelve Caesars", Loeb Classical Library edition volumes.

(5) Apollonius of Tyana, is another "Jesus" made by the family. This"Jesus" may have had a purpose in his origination. It may well havebeen that the inventor of this Jesus was not only doing honor to hisancestor (Arrius Piso) who was the original Jesus, but also that thiswas done to point out that Arrius Piso also wrote under the name ofApollonius. There are works that were supposedly written in the 3rdcentury BCE (i.e., in the 200’s BCE) that are attributed to a personnamed "Apollonius Rhodius". These works, interestingly enough, arein Greek - which was the language that Arrius Piso wrote in. Butnothing much is really known about this particular author. This isworth examining further.

In any case, it was Marcus Aurelius, writing as Lucian (Lucian, not‘Lucan’), who was the first to mention Apollonius of Tyana, fromwhich, later stories emerged from later family members. This storywas later refined by the author known as Flavius Philostratus (whata pen-name this is when one considers that we have found out thatFlavius (Josephus) also wrote as "Philo" and the later author is adescendant of his! Abelard Reuchlin says that he has found this author, Flavius Philostratus to have been the same person who also wrote asthe Church father Origen. We will detail these family relations inmore detail in our upcoming works.

(6) Constantine is made into a new Jesus also! And this was done byhis own half-brother Julius Constantius - who was writing as thefamous Eusebius. You can easily find the story of Constantine beingtold by god that he would conquer his enemies with the sign of thecross, etc. You really need to read this story in the light of a newunderstanding of these persons and events.

(7) And the family continued to remake Jesus down through history invarious forms, including Muhammad and other figures that were madeto appear extra-ordinary and/or to have worked ‘miracles’. This wholetopic too, needs to be examined in further detail so that a much longerlist may be made and these other "Jesus’" made by the family will beseen as such by us all, once and for all.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006



Before I start to illustrate the examples of rhetoric and propagandathat are contained within the New Testament, I’d like to say a fewwords about just how amazing it is to my mind that someone has notworked on this before in a widely public work. And the same goesfor the listing of correlations between the works of Flavius Josephusand the New Testament. These two areas to me would seem the mostobvious to even the most ordinary person, with even the a veryminimal level of background knowledge about this subject.

Never did I think that I would have to do so much of the basicground-breaking work myself… but so much seems to have escapedthe attention of so many for so long. I hope that these areas will nolonger be taken for granted or taken lightly and that they may betaught and taken as the examples that they are.

I realize that most persons at this point in time have no background inancient history, let alone a good working knowledge of the true historyof those times and so, what may be found by those persons are ratherlimited. But as for the things stated above, those should have beenfound even by those of the Old Classical Scholarship - at least to somedegree.

And as for myself, what is foremost in my mind about this is what wefind in the New Testament that is aimed towards the Jews. We mustmust never forget just how much knowledge that the authors of theNew Testament possessed. They were keenly aware of just what andhow much they could say in the NT about any certain thing withoutgiving away what they were doing.
And so, instead of saying (in the NT) that "the Jews were the enemiesof all Romans and Christians" outright in the NT, they merely‘indicated’ that with various statements that were aimed against theJews. The reason that they did not want to state this clearly and in aforthright fashion in the NT is because that would be (leave) evidencethat would too strongly show the purpose of the statements themselves.

What they resolved to do then was to make ‘indicating’ statementsagainst the Jews in the NT so that those could be expounded uponorally (vocally) in churches and other meeting places (such as militarycamps), without leaving too much WRITTEN evidence as to the truepurpose of those "antisemetic" statements. They were not put there fora benign or arbitrary reason, they actually served a critical purpose.

Before we go too far in this article, we should make sure that we firstunderstand just what ‘rhetoric’ is as well as ‘propaganda’, so that wecan appreciate our ability to identify it and so that we will not fall victimsof it ourselves in the future. Too many times we’ll find others usingand even use the word ‘rhetoric’ ourselves to mean simply somethingthat we do not understand or generically even to statements made byothers that merely ‘appear’ to us to have been fabricated. That is notwhat rhetoric truly is. Rhetoric is an expressly devised statement thatwas meant by the designer of that piece of rhetoric to achieve a desiredeffect upon those who hear, read and/or use that statement - it is theencapsulation of an idea or ideology that may be wholly or in part untrueor non-real, but which is meant to appear ‘real’ and valid. Rhetoric isalso found in the form of "questions", and this is most effective rhetoricbecause the hearer or reader of it is left to ‘ponder’ the statement andthe ‘answer’ is almost always a foregone conclusion because of theparticular words used in the question. The average person is taken invery easily by rhetoric simply because they are uneducated to it.

Webster’s dictionary gives a luke-warm definition of rhetoric and sopersons reading that definition never know the full and true meaningof what it really is. The dictionary says; "the art of effective andpersuasive use of language." It should say something more like this; "the creative use of words, phrases, questions and other statementsused for the express purpose of deception." I realize that some personstoday do use rhetoric and propaganda in political areas as a means toachieve some ‘good’ goals. However, they should not HAVE to. Thereason that this may become necessary is because THAT rhetoric isused to ‘counter’ what has already been or is being used by the otherside. And so, until we are ALL able to automatically ‘see’ andunderstand rhetoric and propaganda, we will be subject to it and themasses will be taken in by it. That is why rhetoric and propagandashould be an essential that is taught in our public schools. Instead, wesee the opposite - we see the attempts to bring into schools rhetoricwhich was designed to "dumb them down" (i.e., the bible & prayer).

Webster’s now defines "propaganda" as, "the systematic widespreadpromotion of a particular doctrine or idea." Or "material distributed towin people over to a particular doctrine." Again, another less-than-correct definition. "Propaganda" used to be truly and correctly definedas "the systematic promotion of HARMFUL and/or UNTRUE doctrines,ideas, or material." Or as a definition for the HARMFUL and/orUNTRUE material itself. Those who control the meaning of words,as those who may control and CHANGE the meaning of words in ourdictionaries - control the perception of those words by the masses. Eventhis, is a tool that is used to control the minds of the masses. Surely notEVERYTHING being promoted can be defined as "propaganda"!!!
Now, for a few examples of rhetoric & propaganda in the New Testament.
(1) Antisemetism in the New Testament. Some of this is overt and fairlyobvious, while some is very well hidden. There was a major war goingon when the New Testament was being written. Although there arerhetorical devices related to this war in the NT, a good deal of it ispropaganda.

When I think of a piece of propaganda in the New Testament that alsoserves the purpose of a rhetorical device, I think of where the NewTestament tries to make the case that IT was/is a fulfillment of a itsown prophesy. The Gospels make it that the [war] destruction ofJerusalem and the Temple were a fulfillment of THEM, rather thanthat they were written as a part of the war! How do we know thatthis is the case? Because THEY (the Gospels) were written AFTERTHE FACT and so could not have contained predictions about whatwould happen, because they had already happened.

This is a piece of propaganda produced specifically for the purposeof giving the Roman soldiers, Christian believers and others who madeup the masses in the Roman empire the illusion that being on the sideof Rome against the Jews (in the war) was something that ‘God’ bothwanted and demonstrated to them.

The author of the Gospel of John makes the Jews say in his "Gospel";"This man is performing many signs. If we leave him alone like thisthe whole populace will believe in him. Then the Romans will comeand sweep away our temple and our nation." (John 11:47-48)
The Gospel of John is known to have been written at a much laterdate than when this occurred. The Temple was destroyed in the year70 CE. The Gospel of John was written circa 105 CE accoring toAbelard Reuchlin.

(2) The making of more Christians. Using the line in Genesis aboutgoing forth and being ‘fruitful’ is has been used for hundreds of yearsto get Christians to produce more Christians, and is still used in a veryeffective way still today (most especially by the Catholic Church). So, just by having babies and/or big families, more Christians are producedfrom existing Christians. Secondly, they are commanded as a part ofthe ‘requirement’ of being a Christian to proselytize and ‘convert’others. This is an example of rhetorical devices in the Bible and the NewTestament specifically to achieve goals that were thought essential bythe authors of the bible to ensure that Christianity ‘grew’. Never do yousee an ‘honest’ and straight forward statement in the bible. It is allmade very slick and ‘asks’ all of the right things from believers in orderto reach its OWN goals. Remember, it was a family of the world’sgreatest con artists who were creating the bible. They were not justthinking of things in their own time, but of the future of their ownfamily being able to make a good living off of believers. To do thiseffectively, they knew that they would need to ensure that more andmore Christians were being created. By the same token, the moreChristians there were within a populace, the easier the populace wouldbe to control and manipulate on a political level.

(3) Tithes and bequests. This is one of the big differences that camewith the invention of Christianity. Though this existed previously in theform of ‘sacrifice’, that was not enough for them. So, a whole newsystem was developed. One where instead of the offering of produce andpieces of livestock and the occasional clay pot. Those would be replacedby cold hard cash. So, the ‘sacrifice’ was changed to ‘tithe’. And evena percent, a fixed amount was arrived at by comparing the tithingamount to the amount given in taxes. And the idea of bequests werepushed orally by the priests. This meant that not only would the churchreceive money on a regular basis, but that they would be most likely toreceive real property and the accumulation of wealth acquired duringthe lifetime of their ‘faithful’. Again, this was and still IS a con game! And we need to expose this fact to everyone that we know so that it canone day END.
Do you want to know about a rhetorical device that was put into theNew Testament in order to get persons to both donate heavily to thechurch and to get persons to make bequests to the church? Here it is; "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle that it is fora rich man to enter into the kingdom of god (i.e., "heaven")." This bitof rhetoric was put in three separate places in the New Testament tomake sure that it would NOT be missed. It is in Mark 10:25, Matt. 19:24,Luke 18:25. This rhetoric was placed into the New Testament so thatpersons would sign a bequest and therefore technically be "poor" whenthey died, that way, they could go to ‘heaven’. What a scam! The wholeof the New Testament is one long con designed to manipulate personsto the fullest!

(4) Rhetoric in general. The rhetoric of the book of Acts is one examplethat has been noted by scholars. The "Acts of the Apostles", was a wholebook with a specific rhetorical purpose - to give the illusion thatChristianity was ALREADY known (and accepted) by the massesthroughout the Roman empire. The purpose of this illusion was to createword of mouth advertising of the religion as a controversial issue amongthe masses. (See "The Bible as Literature: The New Testament," byBuckner B. Trawich, 1968, pg. 69).

Apparently small, simple phrases were used as rhetoric as in this example;"… full of grace and truth." (John 1:14). Though it is true that theseauthors did indeed leave us works that are "full of (their) "grace"" (sic),and also full of truth regarding history as well, it is only there for thosewho "hath wisdom" and can "see" (determine) it for themselves. And so,there is really an ‘omission’ in this statement that can also be seen as an‘inference’. The whole statement would then be; "… full of grace andtruth FOR THOSE WHO CAN SEE AND UNDERSTAND IT, BUT NOTFOR THOSE WHO CANNOT." And the truth was that very few personscould see and understand what that "grace" and "truth" really was/is. Bythe way, this is also what is meant by the "secret" or "mystery of theGospels". What is meant by ‘grace’ is what the persons who were playing‘god’ were kind enough to leave to us in order to find out that the wholething was indeed a fraud. Because these authors had complete control overALL that they wrote and whatever they chose to leave to us in order forus find out just what they had done - they called this ‘grace’. Their ‘grace’which they most graciously gave to us, when they did not have to. Theywanted to make sure that we understood that. And the "truth" was/is whatwe can render from their writings once we have eliminated the untrue (bydeduction). So, the effect of the example here is the deception of themasses purposefully and deliberately so as to give them the illusion thatthey were indeed receiving something great and good - ‘grace’ and ‘truth’when in fact they were being ‘hustled’. And that, is an example of arhetorical device.
Here is a quick list of some of the ideologies that they used to make thewhole ‘machine’ that they created work:

The idea of a "soul", for the purpose of making people think that they hadsomething of themselves as individuals to ‘save’. That creates the NEEDfor that something to facilitate that - and so, you are given that by way ofthe belief in Jesus.

The idea of Heaven and Hell. Remember, I said that these were thingsthat they ‘used’, not that the creators of Christianity necessarily created. The Christian religion was a ‘refinement’, a largely improved version ofthe older religions. Heaven (or rather the idea of it) existed previously inthe form of ‘the elisian fields’ for Greeks & Romans, and was given othernames elsewhere. And Hell, was previously "Hades". But these were notreal either. The Bible and the New Testament specifically reveals by wayof "disclaimers" that Heaven and Hell do not exist. The New Testamentmakes openly false promises of life after death and so on.

The very idea of Heaven as a place to live in after death is a rhetoricaldevice created for the purpose of convincing people that they have to do and/or believe certain things in life in order to ‘get there’. And withHell as the alternative if you do not… well, that is a pretty persuasiveideology for those who don’t have a clue about any of this.

And then there is the idea of "miracles", that anything can happen inyour favor as long as you ‘believe’. This is also a part of the whole ideaof supernatural things and superstitions to confuse the mind with aswith the idea of angels, ghosts, demons and the devil/satan. You maynotice that Heaven is only offered to those who ‘believe’. That, isrhetoric, because it offers no other choice to persons in order to obtainthe preset ‘goal’ of a life in Heaven. But it does not answer whathappens to those who never knew about Christianity in the first place.

We know of several devices that were used to persuade persons intobelieving that should be mentioned here as well. One of those is thatlong tubes have been found at ancient alters and other religious ruinswere persons behind the altars were talking into the tubes to those whowere there to worship and sacrifice. The tubes made the voice of theperson speaking resound, sounding loud and authoritative; like the voicethat one would imagine a ‘god’ to have. It is obvious that these wereused to deceive persons with. Another example would be where certain"signs" from ‘god’ are referred to. Among these signs are all manner ofnatural occurrences - those same things that we take for granted today;thunder & lightening, earthquakes, erupting volcanoes, shooting stars,lunar and solar eclipses. One of the more powerful of these ‘signs’ werethe eclipses as they would appear to the common person to happenONLY when the high priest said they would; and that was when ‘god’wanted the masses to do what he wanted. And this ‘prediction’ by thepriest that this was going to occur before it actually did, was used as ameans to convince even the most ardent disbeliever that ‘god’ indeedwas giving them a ‘sign’. We know now that the rulers and priests inancient times actually knew when these eclipses would happen beforethey did, and that is because they had been keeping records of them forthousands of years! And we know today too, when these will happen bythe use of this same method - they run in cycles and therefore can be‘predicted’ in advance. Religion is now, and always has been just a bigcon game. The Bible is literary "Snake Oil". And THAT is the truth.

The emotional ‘weight’ of all of these ‘goodies’ that Christianity offersis very hard for the average person to resist… IF, they believe them toactually be TRUE. But they are not. They are there for persuasion only.

Many persons have been thoroughly indoctrinated into a ‘god way’ ofthinking by exposure to persuasive language, rhetoric and many otherthings that have been ‘woven’ into the very fabric of society. They mayhave no idea of what life would be like without the idea of a god or anyof that whole ideology. But the reality of this is that what reality andtruth without Christianity and religion would offer is: No God, whichalso means no devil or demons, no supernatural, no hell, but still thepossibility of a heaven of our own making. And the elimination of thelargest and longest lasting scam and crime against humanity.

These authors of the New Testament were ‘slick’ and experts in the artof manipulation. And now, how can they manipulate people unless they‘believe’ and believe beyond all else? And so, they worked very hard onthe "faith rhetoric". They did all that they could to ‘blur’ the meaningof and concept of ‘faith’ with other things such as ‘hope’ (1 Cor. 13:13)and also of equating faith with ‘power’ (Acts 6:8), and of making itappear to be a ‘virtue’ to be developed and ‘strengthened’ (Luke 8:48).

They took the trouble of making (giving) and example of a ‘doubter’ inthe form of Thomas (as in ‘doubting Thomas’ in Mark 3:18, Matt. 10:3,Luke 6:15). Persons would be ‘complimented’ on their "great faith" inthe New Testament (Matt. 8:10). Faith was even given as something thatwas semi-logical by explaining what it ‘is’; "Now faith is the substanceof things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1). Butthat of course, is just rhetoric. It really makes no sense at all. All it really‘says’ is that air is air. That nothing is still nothing, no matter what youcall it. But it gives the impression to the uninformed reader that ‘faith’is really something, as if it is what you make of it and not an exercise infutility. By the way, that passage is not how is was in the original texts.

Hebrews 11:1, was stated this way originally; "Now faith is of thingshoped for, the assurance of things not seen." The rest was added andchanged by later "interpreters". And, ‘faith’ was a rhetorical deviceused to rally military troops during war; "fight the good fight by faith"(1 Titus 6:12). And for all those who did not go along, they were thenmocked; "O ye of little faith…" (Matt. 6:30, 8:26, 14:31, 16:8 and inLuke 12:28). But about ‘faith’, read on, you will be shown the disclaimerthat shows that they were indeed lying about the truth.

(5) The use of "disclaimers". You may see persons speaking of the many‘contradictions’ that are found in the bible. You may even know of someof those yourself. Most of those ‘contradictions’ are really what we’d calltoday ‘disclaimers’. They put disclaimers into what they wrote so that theycould rightly claim to be telling the "truth". This allowed them to say justabout anything that they wanted to and still allow them to say that it was/is "the truth". This was really just a huge manipulation of language and ofthe readers of their writings. These people were con artists who had theprivilege of being royal and having access to everything that they neededin order to produce and maintain the largest and longest lasting con ever!

By the use of disclaimers, they COULD indeed tell the truth; but in themost deceptive ways! The way that they hide these disclaimers remindsme of the con artists who used to use "fine print" in order to hide thetruth. Anyway, here is the disclaimer about the truth in the books of theNew Testament. Now bear in mind that this is supposed to be Jesusspeaking in the following verses;
"If I bear witness of myself, my witness is NOT true." John 5:31
And then, just a few verses later he says;
"I am one that bears witness of myself." John 8:18
This, is an admission that he is indeed lying. Lying about all thingsthat he was stating! An admission that this was all really a hoax.
And you can’t say that they did not warn you. Because they DID givethis disclaimer as well;
"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, butwho are really ravenous wolves!" Matt. 7:15
"This is Jesus the prophet, of Nazareth of Galilee." Matt. 21:11
They warned you about those in sheep’s clothing, but not about theone in lamb’s clothing (Jesus, the ‘lamb’)! And you can’t blame themeither, because saying "beware of false prophets in LAMB’S clothing"would not be in their own deceptive interest - remember, their main goalwas to DECEIVE the reader. They did make the analogy though andthe "disclaimer" - again, you can’t say that they didn’t warn you! Theyvery effectively said, "Look, now you beware of false prophets… o.k.? Got it? Alright." And then they proceeded to produce the false prophetwith which to deceive you with!

And the reason for saying sheep’s clothing was so that they could putin an allusion to their ancestors by a secret reference to the "goldenfleece" (i.e. a sheep’s fleece/clothing). And why do they say "wolves"?This is because the authors are ROMANS and the royal Romans werethought of as ‘wolves’ because their ancestors Romulus and Remuswere suckled by a she-wolf. So, always remember that the falseprophet that they warn you against IS Jesus! This is a "disclaimer". They set out to deceive and manipulate the readers of the NewTestament before they even started work on it - that was the goal!